I am a Distinguished Professor and Associate Dean in the College of Information and Computer Sciences at UMass Amherst. My research interests lie broadly in distributed systems and networking. I head the Laboratory for Advanced Systems Software here at UMass where we focus on building systems and understand them through modeling, analysis and experimentation. I am currently the PI and director of the NSF CoDec Expedition in Computational Decarbonization. I also direct the UMass Center for Smart and Connected Society (CS2) and previously directed the Center for Personalized Health Monitoring (CPHM) at UMass.
Ph.D. (1998), M.S. (1994), Computer Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin.
B.Tech (1993), Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay.
I am an experimental Computer Scientist with a focus on distributed systems and networking. My current research projects focus on cloud computing, green computing, and energy informatics. I also maintain broad interests in operating systems and virtualization, storage and data management, IoT and sensor networks, mobile and multimedia computing, and Internet-scale systems.
Full list of my Publications and Recent Talks
Also see my publications page at Google Scholar and DBLP.
Research group: Laboratory for Advanced Systems Software
I maintain the UMass Trace Repository, UMass CS Weather Station, BenchLab, Smart* Dataset.
Be sure to check out Why UMass rocks!
I am teaching Distributed and Operating Systems (Compsci 677) in Spring 2025.
I have become more selective in my external professional service due to my internal role as Associate Dean.
I recently served as the founding Chair of the ACM Special Interest Group on Energy (SIGEnergy), a professional group that focuses on energy informatics and computational sustainability.
Chris Stewart and I will serve as the PC chairs of the tenth ACM Symposium on Edge Computing in 2025. I am also organizing two workshops related to decarbonization, the ACM Sigmetrics workshop on Carbon Metrics (CarbonMetrics'25) and the ACM SIGEnergy Workshop on Societal Decarbonization (SoDec'25). Previously, I have served as Program Chair or General Chair for several conferences and workshops. Here is a list of conferences I have chaired.
I have served or am serving on the editorial boards of ACM Transactions on IOT (TIOT), ACM Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Computing Systems (TOMPECS), ACM Transactions on the Web (TWEB), Springer Multimedia Systems, Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks, PeerJ Computer Science. I have previously served on the Executive committee of ACM SIGEnergy and the Steering Committee of ACM e-Energy, ACM BuildSys and IEEE Trans. on Mobile Computing.
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