

  1. Lilou: Resource-Aware Model-Driven Latency Prediction For GPU-Accelerated Model Serving
    Qianlin Liang, Haoliang Wang, and Prashant Shenoy
  2. CarbonEdge: Leveraging Mesoscale Spatial Carbon-Intensity Variations for Low Carbon Edge Computing
    Li Wu, Walid A. Hanafy, Abel Souza, Khai Nguyen, Jan Harkes, David Irwin, Mahadev Satyanarayanan, and Prashant Shenoy
  3. Learning-Augmented Competitive Algorithms for Spatiotemporal Online Allocation with Deadline Constraints
    Adam Lechowicz, Nicolas Christianson, Bo Sun, Noman Bashir, Mohammad Hajiesmaili, Adam Wierman, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of ACM SIGMETRICS, New York, USA Jun 2025
  4. Dynamic Incentive Allocation for City-scale Deep Decarbonization
    Anupama Sitaraman, Adam Lechowicz, Noman Bashir, Xutong Liu, Mohammad Hajiesmaili, and Prashant Shenoy


  1. The Case for Micro Foundation Models to Support Robust Edge Intelligence
    Tomoyoshi Kimura, Ashitabh Misra, Yizhuo Chen, Denizhan Kara, Jinyang Li, Tianshi Wang, Ruijie Wang, Joydeep Bhattacharyya, Jae Kim, Prashant Shenoy, Mani Srivastava, Maggie Wigness, and Tarek Abdelzaher
    In 2024 IEEE 6th International Conference on Cognitive Machine Intelligence (CogMI) 2024
  2. Acies-OS: A Content-Centric Platform for Edge AI Twinning and Orchestration
    Jinyang Li, Yizhuo Chen, Tomoyoshi Kimura, Tianshi Wang, Ruijie Wang, Denizhan Kara, Yigong Hu, Li Wu, Walid A. Hanafy, Abel Souza, Prashant Shenoy, Maggie Wigness, Joydeep Bhattacharyya, Jae Kim, Guijun Wang, Greg Kimberly, Josh Eckhardt, Denis Osipychev, and Tarek Abdelzaher
    In the 33rd International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN) 2024
  3. HeliosFair: Fair Sharing of Solar Energy Costs in Communities
    Diptyaroop Maji, Vani Gupta, Prashant Shenoy, and Ramesh Sitaraman
    In the 11th ACM International Conference on Systems for Energy-Efficient Buildings, Cities, and Transportation (BuildSys) 2024
  4. Examining the adoption of electromobility concepts across social contexts for energy transition
    Julia Köhlke, Adam Lechowicz, Oluwole Fabikun, Noman Bashir, Abel Souza, Prashant Shenoy, and Sebastian Lehnhoff
    In the 11th ACM International Conference on Systems for Energy-Efficient Buildings, Cities, and Transportation (BuildSys) 2024
  5. WiSleep: Scalable Sleep Monitoring and Analytics Using Passive WiFi Sensing
    Priyanka Mary Mammen, Camellia Zakaria, Tergel Molom-Ochir, Amee Trivedi, Prashant J. Shenoy, and Rajesh Krishna Balan
    ACM Journal on Computing and Sustainable Societies (JCSS) Nov 2024
  6. PADS: Power Budgeting with Diagonal Scaling for Performance-Aware Cloud Workloads
    Mehmet Savasci, Abel Souza, David Irwin, Ahmed Ali-Eldin, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of the 15th International Green and Sustainable Computing Conference (IGSC) 2024
  7. CDN-Shifter: Leveraging Spatial Workload Shifting to Decarbonize Content Delivery Networks
    Jorge Murillo, Walid A. Hanafy, David Irwin, Ramesh Sitaraman, and Prashant Shenoy
    In ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing (SoCC) 2024
  8. TailClipper: Reducing Tail Response Time of Distributed Services Through System-Wide Scheduling
    Nathan Ng, Abel Souza, Ahmed Ali-Eldin, David Irwin, Don Towsley, and Prashant Shenoy
    In ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing (SoCC) 2024
  9. Collaborative Inference in Resource-Constrained Edge Networks: Challenges and Opportunities
    Nathan Ng, Abel Souza, Suhas Diggavi, Niranjan Suri, Tarek Abdelzaher, Don Towsley, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of the 44th IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM) workshop on Internet of Things for Adversarial Environments 2024
  10. Enhancing Resilience in Distributed ML Inference Pipelines for Edge Computing
    Li Wu, Walid A. Hanafy, Abel Souza, Tarek Abdelzaher, Gunjan Verma, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of the 44th IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM) workshop on Internet of Things for Adversarial Environments 2024
  11. LEAD: Towards Learning-Based Equity-Aware Decarbonization in Ridesharing Platforms
    Mahsa Sahebdel, Ali Zeynali, Noman Bashir, Prashant Shenoy, and Mohammad Hajiesmaili
  12. Untangling Carbon-free Energy Attribution and Carbon Intensity Estimation for Carbon-aware Computing
    Diptyaroop Maji, Noman Bashir, David Irwin, Prashant Shenoy, and Ramesh K. Sitaraman
    In Proceedings of the 15th ACM International Conference on Future and Sustainable Energy Systems 2024
  13. Data-driven Algorithm Selection for Carbon-Aware Scheduling
    Roozbeh Bostandoost, Walid A. Hanafy, Adam Lechowicz, Noman Bashir, Prashant Shenoy, and Mohammad Hajiesmaili
    In HotCarbon Workshop on Sustainable Computer Systems (HotCarbon) 2024
  14. AeroSense: Sensing Aerosol Emissions from Indoor Human Activities
    Bhawana Chhaglani, Camellia Zakaria, Richard Peltier, Jeremy Gummeson, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT/UbiComp) 2024
  15. User-Centric Sustainability
    Prashant Shenoy
    SIGENERGY Energy Inform. Rev. May 2024
  16. Towards Privacy-Preserving Audio Classification Systems
    Bhawana Chhaglani, Jeremy Gummeson, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Workshop on Hot Topics in Ethical Computer Systems (HotEthics’24) 2024
  17. Chasing Convex Functions with Long-term Constraints
    Adam Lechowicz, Nicolas Christianson, Bo Sun, Noman Bashir, Mohammad Hajiesmaili, Adam Wierman, and Prashant Shenoy
    In The 41st International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) 2024
  18. Analyzing the Energy Usage of a Community and the Benefits of Energy Storage
    John Wamburu, Stephen Lee, Srinivasan Iyengar, David Irwin, and Prashant Shenoy
    ACM J. Comput. Sustain. Soc. May 2024
  19. On the Limitations of Carbon-Aware Temporal and Spatial Workload Shifting in the Cloud
    Thanathorn Sukprasert, Abel Souza, Noman Bashir, David Irwin, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of the 19th European Conference on Computer Systems (EuroSys) 2024
  20. Going Green for Less Green: Optimizing the Cost of Reducing Cloud Carbon Emissions.
    Walid A. Hanafy, Qianlin Liang, Noman Bashir, Abel Souza, David Irwin, and Prashant Shenoy
    In In Proceedings of 29th ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, Volume 3 (ASPLOS ’24) 2024
  21. SLO-Power: SLO and Power-aware Elastic Scaling for Web Sevices
    Mehmet Savasci, Abel Souza, Li Wu, David Irwin, Ahmed Ali-Eldin, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of the 24th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud, and Internet Computing (CCGrid) 2024
  22. Online Conversion with Switching Costs: Robust and Learning-Augmented Algorithms
    Adam Lechowicz, Nicolas Christianson, Bo Sun, Noman Bashir, Mohammad Hajiesmaili, Adam Wierman, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of ACM Sigmetrics’24 2024
  23. The Green Mirage: Impact of Location and Market-based Carbon Intensity Estimation on Carbon Optimization Efficacy (Best Paper Runner-up)
    Diptyaroop Maji, Noman Bashir, David Irwin, Prashant Shenoy, and Ramesh Sitaraman
    In Proceedings of 15th ACM Conference on Future Energy Systems (ACM e-Energy), Singapore Jun 2024
  24. A Holistic Approach for Equity-aware Carbon Reduction of the Ridesharing Platforms
    Mahsa Sahebdel, Ali Zeynali, Noman Bashir, Prashant Shenoy, and Mohammad Hajiesmaili
    In Proceedings of 15th ACM Conference on Future Energy Systems (ACM e-Energy), Singapore Jun 2024
  25. LACS: Learning-Augmented Algorithms for Carbon-Aware Resource Scaling with Uncertain Demand
    Roozbeh Bostandoost, Adam Lechowicz, Walid A. Hanafy, Noman Bashir, Prashant Shenoy, and Mohammad Hajiesmaili
    In Proceedings of 15th ACM Conference on Future Energy Systems (ACM e-Energy), Singapore Jun 2024
  26. On the Implications of Choosing Average versus Marginal Carbon Intensity Signals on Carbon-aware Optimizations
    Thanathorn Sukprasert, Noman Bashir, Abel Souza, David Irwin, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of 15th ACM Conference on Future Energy Systems (ACM e-Energy), Singapore Jun 2024
  27. INVAR: Inversion Aware Resource Provisioning and Workload Scheduling for Edge Computing
    Bin Wang, David Irwin, Prashant Shenoy, and Don Towsley
    In Proceedings of IEEE Infocom, Vancouver, Canada May 2024
  28. W4-Groups: Modeling the Who, What, When and Where of Group Behavior via Mobility Sensing
    Akanksha Atrey, Camellia Zakaria, Prashant Shenoy, and Rajesh Balan
    In Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction (PACM HCI). Also Proc. ACM CSCW 2024
  29. Optimizing Embodied Emissions
    Prashant Shenoy
    SIGENERGY Energy Inform. Rev. Feb 2024


  1. BreathEasy: Exploring the Potential of Acoustic Sensing for Healthy Indoor Environments
    Bhawana Chhaglani, Camellia Zakaria, Jeremy Gummeson, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Advances in Environmental Sensing Systems for Smart Cities 2023
  2. CarbonScaler: Leveraging Cloud Workload Elasticity for Optimizing Carbon-Efficiency (best student paper award)
    Walid A. Hanafy, Qianlin Liang, Noman Bashir, David Irwin, and Prashant Shenoy
    Proceedings of the ACM on Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems (POMACS); Also Proc of ACM Sigmetrics’24 Dec 2023
  3. The Online Pause and Resume Problem: Optimal Algorithms and An Application to Carbon-Aware Load Shifting
    Adam Lechowicz, Nicolas Christianson, Jinhang Zuo, Noman Bashir, Mohammad H. Hajiesmaili, Adam Wierman, and Prashant J. Shenoy
    Proceedings of the ACM on Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems (POMACS); Also Proc of ACM Sigmetrics’24 Dec 2023
  4. SleepLess: personalized sleep monitoring using smartphones and semi-supervised learning
    Priyanka Mary Mammen, Camellia Zakaria, and Prashant Shenoy
    Springer-CSI Transactions on ICT 2023
  5. Quantifying the Decarbonization Potential of Flexible Load
    Phuthipong Bovornkeeratiroj, Noman Bashir, Vivek Deulkar, Bharathan Balaji, Prashant Shenoy, David Irwin, and Mohammad Hajiesmaili
    In Proceedings of ACM Buildsys, Workshop Cyber-Physical-Social Infrastructure Systems, Istanbul, Turkey 2023
  6. Energy Time Fairness: Balancing Fair Allocation of Energy and Time for GPU Workloads
    Qianlin Liang, Walid A. Hanafy, Noman Bashir, David Irwin, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of the 8th ACM/IEEE Symposium on Edge Computing (SEC) Dec 2023
  7. RAVAS: Interference-Aware Model Selection and Resource Allocation for Live Edge Video Analytics
    Ali Rahmanian, Ahmed Ali-Eldin, Selome Kostentinos Tesfatsion, Björn Skubic (Ericsson Research), Harald Gustafsson, Prashant Shenoy, and Erik Elmroth
    In Proceedings of the 8th ACM/IEEE Symposium on Edge Computing (SEC) Dec 2023
  8. SODA: Protecting Proprietary Information in On-Device Machine Learning Models
    Akanksha Atrey, Ritwik Sinha, Saayan Mitra, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of the 8th ACM/IEEE Symposium on Edge Computing (SEC) Dec 2023
  9. Carbon Containers: A System-level Facility for Managing Application-level Carbon Emissions
    John Thiede, Noman Bashir, David Irwin, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of 14th ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing (SoCC) Nov 2023
  10. No Free Lunch: Analyzing the Cost of Deep Decarbonizing Residential Heating Systems
    Anupama Sitaraman, Noman Bashir, David Irwin, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of the 14th International Green and Sustainable Computing Conference (IGSC) Oct 2023
  11. CASPER: Carbon-Aware Scheduling and Provisioning for Distributed Web Services (Best Paper Runner-up)
    Abel Souza, Shruti Jasoria, Basundhara Chakrabarty, Alexander Bridgwater, Axel Lundberg, Filip Skogh, Ahmed Ali-Eldin, David Irwin, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of the 14th International Green and Sustainable Computing Conference (IGSC), Toronto, ON, Canada Oct 2023
  12. Failure-Resilient ML Inference at the Edge through Graceful Service Degradation
    Walid A. Hanafy, Li Wu, Tarek Abdelzaher, Suhas Diggavi, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of the 41st IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM) workshop on Internet of Things for Adversarial Environments Oct 2023
  13. Unlocking Efficiency: Understanding End-to-End Performance in Distributed Analytics Pipelines
    Abel Souza, Nathan Ng, Tarek Abdelzaher, Don Towsley, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of the 41st IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM) workshop on Internet of Things for Adversarial Environments Oct 2023
  14. WattScope: Non-intrusive Application-level Power Disaggregation in Datacenters
    Xiaoding Guan, Noman Bashir, David Irwin, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Computer Performance, Modeling, Measurements and Evaluation (Performance) Jul 2023
  15. On the Promise and Pitfalls of Optimizing Embodied Carbon
    Noman Bashir, David Irwin, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proc. 2nd ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Sustainable Computing Systems (HotCarbon’23) Jul 2023
  16. The War of the Efficiencies: Understanding the Tension between Carbon and Energy Optimization
    Walid A. Hanafy, Roozbeh Bostandoost, Noman Bashir, David Irwin, Mohammad Hajiesmaili, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proc. 2nd ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Sustainable Computing Systems (HotCarbon’23) Jul 2023
  17. Distributed Rate Control of Smart Solar Arrays with Batteries
    Phuthipong Bovornkeeratiroj, Stephen Lee, Srinivasan Iyengar, David Irwin, and Prashant Shenoy
    Frontiers in Internet of Things Jun 2023
  18. Serverless Computing: What It Is, and What It Is Not?
    Samuel Kounev, Nikolas Herbst, Cristina L. Abad, Alexandru Iosup, Ian Foster, Prashant Shenoy, Omer Rana, and Andrew A. Chien
    Communications of the ACM (CACM) 2023
  19. Understanding the Benefits of Hardware-Accelerated Communication in Model-Serving Applications
    Walid Hanafy, Limin Wang, Hyunseok Chang, Sarit Mukherjee, T. V. Lakshman, and Prashant Shenoy
    In 2023 IEEE/ACM 31st International Symposium on Quality of Service (IWQoS) Jun 2023
  20. Jointly Managing Electrical and Thermal Energy in Solar- and Battery-powered Computer Systems
    Noman Bashir, Yasra Chandio, David Irwin, Fatima M. Anwar, Jeremy Gummeson, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of the 14th ACM International Conference on Future Energy Systems (e-Energy), Orlando, FL. Jun 2023
  21. CUFF: A Configurable Uncertainty-driven Forecasting Framework for Green AI Clusters
    Priyanka Mary Mammen, Noman Bashir, Ramachandra Kolluri, Eun Kung Lee, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of the 14th ACM International Conference on Future Energy Systems (e-Energy), Orlando, FL. Jun 2023
  22. Equitable Network-Aware Decarbonization of Residential Heating at City Scale
    Adam Lechowicz, Noman Bashir, John Wamburu, Mohammad Hajiesmaili, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of the 14th ACM International Conference on Future Energy Systems (e-Energy), Orlando, FL. Jun 2023
  23. Multi-day Forecasting of Electric Grid Carbon Intensity using Machine Learning
    Diptyaroop Maji, Prashant Shenoy, and Ramesh K. Sitaraman
    ACM Energy Informatics Review (EIR) Jun 2023
  24. Analyzing the Impact of Decarbonizing Residential Heating Systems on the Electric Distribution Grid
    John Wamburu, Noman Bashir, and Prashant Shenoy David Irwin
    ACM Energy Informatics Review (EIR) Jun 2023
  25. Quantifying the Benefits of Carbon-Aware Temporal and Spatial Workload Shifting in the Cloud
    Thanathorn Sukprasert, Abel Souza, Noman Bashir, David E. Irwin, and Prashant J. Shenoy
    CoRR Jun 2023
  26. Dělen: Enabling Flexible and Adaptive Model-serving for Multi-tenant Edge AI
    Qianlin Liang, Walid A. Hanafy, Noman Bashir, Ahmed Ali-Eldin, David Irwin, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of IEEE/ACM Eighth International Conference on Internet-of-Things Design and Implementation (IoTDI), San Antonio May 2023
  27. DDPC: Automated Data-Driven Power-Performance Controller Design on-the-fly for Latency-sensitive Web Services
    Mehmet Savasci, Ahmed Ali-Eldin, Johan Eker, Anders Robertsson, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of the Web Conference, Austin, TX May 2023
  28. Ecovisor: A Virtual Energy System for Carbon-Efficient Applications
    Abel Souza, Noman Bashir, Jorge Murillo, Walid Hanafy, Qianlin Liang, David Irwin, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of the ACM Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), Vancouver, Canada, 2023. Mar 2023
  29. Model-driven Cluster Resource Management for AI Workloads in Edge Clouds
    Qianlin Liang, Walid A. Hanafy, Ahmed Ali-Eldin, and Prashant Shenoy
    In ACM Transactions on Adaptive andAutonomous Systems (TAAS) Jan 2023


  1. SMART Energy Management - A Computational Approach
    Krithi Ramamritham, Gopinath Karmakar, and Prashant J. Shenoy
    World Scientific Publishers, DOI: 2022
  2. Equity-aware Decarbonization of Residential Heating Systems
    John Wamburu, Noman Bashir, Emma Grazier, David Irwin, Christine Crago, and Prashant Shenoy
    ACM Energy Informatics Review (EIR) 2022
  3. Are you asleep when your phone is asleep? Semi-supervised methods to infer sleep from smart devices
    Priyanka Mary Mammen, and Prashant Shenoy
    In NeurIPS 2022 Workshop on Learning from Time Series for Health 2022
  4. SleepMore: Inferring Sleep Duration at Scale with Multi-Device WiFi Sensing
    Camellia Zakaria, Yilmaz Gizem, Priyanka Mammen, Michael Chee, Prashant Shenoy, and Rajesh Balan
    In Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT), 2022. (doi: 10.1145/3569489) 2022
  5. CarbonCast: Multi-Day Forecasting of Grid Carbon Intensity
    Diptyaroop Maji, Prashant Shenoy, and Ramesh K. Sitaraman
    In Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Systems for Energy-Efficient Buildings, Cities, and Transportation (BuildSys), Boston, Massachusetts, USA, November 2022. Nov 2022
  6. Data-driven Decarbonization of Residential Heating Systems
    John Wamburu, Noman Bashir, David Irwin, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Systems for Energy-Efficient Buildings, Cities, and Transportation (BuildSys), Boston, Massachusetts, USA, November 2022. Nov 2022
  7. Data-Driven Decarbonization of Residential Heating Systems: An Equity Perspective
    John Wamburu, Emma Grazier, David Irwin, Christine Crago, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of the Thirteenth ACM International Conference on Future Energy Systems 2022
  8. DARTS: Distributed IoT Architecture for Real-Time, Resilient and AI-Compressed Workflows
    Ragini Gupta, Bo Chen, Shengzhong Liu, Tianshi Wang, Sandeep Singh Sandha, Abel Souza, Klara Nahrstedt, Tarek Abdelzaher, Mani Srivastava, Prashant Shenoy, Jeffrey Smith, Maggie Wigness, and Niranjan Suri
    In Proceedings of the 2022 Workshop on Advanced Tools, Programming Languages, and PLatforms for Implementing and Evaluating Algorithms for Distributed Systems Jul 2022
  9. Sustainable Computing - Without the Hot Air
    Noman Bashir, David E. Irwin, Prashant J. Shenoy, and Abel Alves Souza
    1st Workshop on Sustainable Computer Systems Design and Implementation (HotCarbon 2022), California, USA Jul 2022
  10. PeakTK: An Open Source Toolkit for Peak Forecasting in Energy Systems
    Phuthipong Bovornkeeratiroj, John Wamburu, David E. Irwin, and Prashant J. Shenoy
    ACM SIGCAS/SIGCHI Conference on Computing and Sustainable Societies (COMPASS) Jun 2022
  11. DACF: Day-ahead Carbon Intensity Forecasting of Power Grids using Machine Learning
    Diptyaroop Maji, Ramesh K. Sitaraman, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of the 13th ACM International Conference on Future Energy Systems (e-Energy 2022), Virtual conference, June 2022. Jun 2022
  12. CAVE: Caching 360° Videos at the Edge
    Ahmed Ali-Eldin, Chirag Goel, Mayank Jha, Bo Chen, Klara Nahrstedt, and Prashant Shenoy
    In The 32nd Workshop on Network and Operating System Support for Digital Audio and Video (NOSSDAV), Athlone, Ireland, June 2022. Jun 2022
  13. Towards Preserving Server-Side Privacy of On-Device Models
    Akanksha Atrey, Ritwik Sinha, Somdeb Sarkhel, Saayan Mitra, David Arbour, Akash V. Maharaj, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of the Web Conference (WWW Companion), Lyon, France, April 2022. (doi: 10.1145/3487553.3524257) Apr 2022
  14. FlowSense: Monitoring Airflow in Building Ventilation Systems Using Audio Sensing
    Bhawana Chhaglani, Camellia Zakaria, Adam Lechowicz, Jeremy Gummeson, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT), 2022. (doi: 10.1145/3517258) 2022
  15. Analyzing the Impact of Covid-19 Control Policies on Campus Occupancy and Mobility via Passive WiFi Sensing
    Camellia Zakaria, Amee Trivedi, Emmanuel Cecchet, Michael Chee, Prashant Shenoy, and Rajesh Balan
    In ACM Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems (TSAS), Volume 8, Issue 3, Article 22, pages 1-26, September 2022. (doi: 10.1145/3516524) Sep 2022


  1. WiFiMod: Transformer-based Indoor Human Mobility Modeling using Passive Sensing
    Amee Trivedi, Kate Silverstein, Emma Strubell, Prashant J. Shenoy, and Mohit Iyyer
    In COMPASS ’21: ACM SIGCAS Conference on Computing and Sustainable Societies, Virtual Event, Australia, 28 June 2021 - 2 July 2021 2021
  2. Modeling and Analyzing Waiting Policies for Cloud-Enabled Schedulers
    Pradeep Ambati, Noman Bashir, David Irwin, and Prashant Shenoy
    In IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), 32(12), 3081-3100, December 2021. (doi: 10.1109/TPDS.2021.3086270) Dec 2021
  3. Deep Contextualized Compressive Offloading for Images
    Bo Chen, Zhisheng Yan, Hongpeng Guo, Zhe Yang, Ahmed Ali-Eldin, Prashant Shenoy, and Klara Nahrstedt
    In Proceedings of the AIChallengeIoT Workshop, 19th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (pp. 467-473), Coimbra, Portugal, November 2021. (doi: 10.1145/3485730.3493452) Nov 2021
  4. Towards Equity in Energy Efficiency Analyses
    John Wamburu, Emma Grazier, David Irwin, Prashant Shenoy, and Christine Crago
    In Proceedings of the FATEsys Workshop, 8th ACM International Conference on Systems for Energy-Efficient Buildings, Cities, and Transportation (pp. 259-263), Coimbra, Portugal, November 2021. (doi: 10.1145/3486611.3492411) Nov 2021
  5. VPeak: Exploiting Volunteer Energy Resources for Flexible Peak Shaving (Best Paper Runner Up)
    Phuthipong Bovornkeeratiroj, John Wamburu, David Irwin, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of the 8th ACM International Conference on Systems for Energy-Efficient Buildings, Cities, and Transportation (pp. 121-130), Coimbra, Portugal, November 2021. (doi: 10.1145/3486611.3486667) Nov 2021
  6. Enabling Sustainable Clouds: The Case for Virtualizing the Energy System
    Noman Bashir, Tian Guo, Mohammad Hajiesmaili, David Irwin, Prashant Shenoy, Ramesh Sitaraman, Abel Souza, and Adam Wierman
    In Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing (SoCC), Virtual conference, November 2021. (doi: 10.1145/3472883.3487009) Nov 2021
  7. Good Things Come to Those Who Wait: Optimizing Job Waiting in the Cloud
    Pradeep Ambati, Noman Bashir, David Irwin, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing (pp. 229-242), Virtual conference, November 2021. (doi: 10.1145/3472883.3487007) Nov 2021
  8. The Hidden Cost of the Edge: A Performance Comparison of Edge and Cloud Latencies
    Ahmed Ali-Eldin, Bin Wang, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of ACM Conference on High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC21), St. Louis. MO, USA, November 2021. Nov 2021
  9. Model-driven Per-Panel Solar Anomaly Detection for Residential Arrays
    Menghong Feng, Noman Bashir, David Irwin, Prashant Shenoy, and Dragoljub Kosanovic
    In ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems (TCPS), 5(40), pp 1-20, October 2021. (doi: 10.1145/3460236) Oct 2021
  10. Leveraging Machine Learning for Equitable Transition of Energy Systems
    Enea Dodi, Anupama Sitaraman, Mohammad Hajiesmaili, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Tackling Climate Change with Machine Learning Workshop at International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), Virtual conference, July 2021. Jul 2021
  11. Preserving Privacy in Personalized Models for Distributed Mobile Services
    Akanksha Atrey, Prashant J. Shenoy, and David Jensen
    2021 IEEE 41st International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS) 2021
  12. LaSS: Running Latency Sensitive Serverless Computations at the Edge
    Bin Wang, Ahmed Ali-Eldin, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of ACM Symposium on High Performance Distritubuted Computing (HPDC), Stockholm, Sweden (Virtual conference), June 2021. (doi: 10.1145/3431379.3460646) Jun 2021
  13. AutoShare: Virtual Community Solar and Storage for Energy Sharing
    Stephen Lee, Prashant Shenoy, Krithi Ramamritham, and David Irwin
    In Energy Informatics, 4(1), 1-24, July 2021. (doi: 0.1186/s42162-021-00144-w) Jul 2021
  14. Spark-based Cloud Data Analytics using Multi-Objective Optimization
    Fei Song, Khaled Zaouk, Chenghao Lyu, Arnab Sinha, Qi Fan, Yanlei Diao, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), Crete, Greece (Virtual conference), April 2021. (doi: 10.1109/ICDE51399.2021.00041) Apr 2021
  15. Ride Substitution Using Electric Bike Sharing: Feasibility, Cost, and Carbon Analysis
    John Wamburu, Stephen Lee, Mohammad H. Hajiesmaili, David Irwin, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies, 5(1), 1-28, All over the World (Virtual conference), March 2021. (doi: 10.1145/3448081) Mar 2021
  16. WiFiTrace: Network-based Contact Tracing for Infectious Diseases Using Passive WiFi Sensing
    Amee Trivedi, Camellia Zakaria, Rajesh Balan, Ann Becker, George Corey, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT), 5(1), 1-26, All over the World (Virtual conference), March 2021. (doi: 10.1145/3448084) Mar 2021
  17. WattScale: A Data-driven Approach for Energy Efficiency Analytics of Buildings at Scale
    Srini Iyengar, Stephen Lee, David Irwin, Prashant Shenoy, and Ben Weil
    In ACM Transactions on Data Science, 2(1), 1-25, January 2021. (doi: 10.1145/3406961) Jan 2021


  1. Real-time Spatio-Temporal Action Localization in 360 Videos
    Bo Chen, Ahmed Ali-Eldin, Prashant Shenoy, and Klara Nahrstedt
    In Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM) (pp. 73-76), Dec 2020. (doi: 10.1109/ISM.2020.00018) 2020
  2. Greening Electric Bike Sharing Using Solar Charging Stations
    John Wamburu, Christopher Raff, David Irwin, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of the 7th ACM International Conference on Systems for Energy-Efficient Buildings, Cities, and Transportation (pp. 180-189), Yokohama, Japan, Nov 2020. (doi: 10.1145/3408308.3427621) 2020
  3. DeepSnow: Modeling the Impact of Snow on Solar Generation
    Noman Bashir, David Irwin, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of the 7th ACM International Conference on Systems for Energy-Efficient Buildings, Cities, and Transportation (pp. 11-20), Yokohama, Japan, Nov 2020. (doi: 10.1145/3408308.3427620) 2020
  4. WiFiMon: A Mobility Analytics Platform for Building Occupancy Monitoring and Contact Tracing Using WiFi Sensing (Best Poster Award)
    Emmanuel Cecchet, Amrita Acharya, Tergel Molom-Ochir, Amee Trivedi, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of the 18th Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (pp. 792-793), Yokohama, Japan, Nov 2020 (doi: 10.1145/3384419.3430598 – Poster paper) 2020
  5. Empirical Characterization of Mobility of Multi-Device Internet Users
    Amee Trivedi, Jeremy Gummeson, and Prashant J. Shenoy
    In arxiv Preprint, March 2020. Mar 2020
  6. Waiting Game: Optimally Provisioning Fixed Resources for Cloud-enabled Schedulers (nominated for best paper and best student paper award)
    Pradeep Ambati, Noman Bashir, David Irwin, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (pp. 1-14), November 2020. (doi: 10.1109/SC41405.2020.00071) Nov 2020
  7. AI on the Edge: Characterizing AI-based IoT Applications Using Specialized Edge Architectures
    Qianlin Liang, Prashant Shenoy, and David Irwin
    In Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Workload Characterization, Beijing, China, October 2020. (doi: 10.1109/IISWC50251.2020.00023) Oct 2020
  8. Phone-based Ambient Temperature Sensing Using Opportunistic Crowdsensing and Machine Learning (Best Paper Award)
    Amee Trivedi, Phuthipong Bovornkeeratiroj, Joseph Breda, Prashant Shenoy, Jay Taneja, and David Irwin
    In Proceedings of 11th International Green and Sustainable Computing Conference (IGSC 2020), Pullman, WA, October 2020. (doi: 10.1016/j.suscom.2020.100479) Oct 2020
  9. A Probabilistic Approach to Committing Solar Energy in Day-ahead Electricity Markets
    Noman Bashir, Prashant Shenoy, and David Irwin
    In Proceedings of 11th International Green and Sustainable Computing Conference (IGSC 2020), Pullman, WA, October 2020. (doi: 10.1016/j.suscom.2020.100477) Oct 2020
  10. New Frontiers in IoT: Networking, Systems, Reliability, and Security Challenges
    Saurabh Bagchi, Tarek F. Abdelzaher, Ramesh Govindan, Prashant Shenoy, Akanksha Atrey, Pradipta Ghosh, and Ran Xu
    In Networking, systems, reliability, and security challenges. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 7(12), 11330-11346, 2020. (doi: 10.1109/JIOT.2020.3007690) 2020
  11. No Reservations: A First Look at Amazon’s Reserved Instance Marketplace.
    Pradeep Ambati, David Irwin, and Prashant Shenoy
    In 12th USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Cloud Computing (HotCloud 20), Boston, MA, July 2020. Jul 2020
  12. Cloud-scale VM-deflation for Running Interactive Applications On Transient Servers
    Alex Fuerst, Ahmed Ali-Eldin, Prashant Shenoy, and Prateek Sharma
    In Proceedings of the 29th International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing (pp. 53-64), Stockholm, Sweden, June 2020. (doi: 10.1145/3369583.3392675) Jun 2020
  13. Peak Forecasting for Battery-based Energy Optimizations in Campus Microgrids
    Akhil Soman, Amee Trivedi, David Irwin, Beka Kosanovic, Ben McDaniel, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM International Conference on Future Energy Systems (pp. 237-241), Melbourne, Australia, June 2020. (doi: 10.1145/3396851.3397751) Jun 2020
  14. Emission-aware Energy Storage Scheduling for a Greener Grid (Best Paper Runner up)
    Rishikesh Jha, Stephen Lee, Srinivasan Iyengar, Mohammad Hajiesmaili, David Irwin, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM International Conference on Future Energy Systems (pp. 363-373), Melbourne, Australia, June 2020. (doi: 10.1145/3396851.3397755) Jun 2020
  15. SunDown: Model-driven Per-Panel Solar Anomaly Detection for Residential Arrays
    Menghong Feng, Noman Bashir, David Irwin, Prashant Shenoy, and Dragoljub Kosanovic
    In Proceedings of the 3rd ACM SIGCAS Conference on Computing and Sustainable Societies (pp. 291-295), Guayaquil, Ecuador, June 2020. (doi: 10.1145/3378393.3402257) Jun 2020
  16. Efficient Online Classification and Tracking on Resource-constrained IoT Devices
    Muhammad Aftab, Sid Chi-Kin Chau, and Prashant Shenoy
    In ACM Transactions on Internet of Things, 1(3), 1-29, 2020. (doi: 10.1145/3392051) 2020
  17. Hedge Your Bets: Optimizing Long-term Cloud Costs by Mixing VM Purchasing Options
    Pradeep Ambati, Noman Bashir, David Irwin, Mohammad Hajiesmaili, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E) (pp. 105-115), Sydney, April 2020. (doi: 10.1109/IC2E48712.2020.00018) Apr 2020
  18. RepEL: A Utility-preserving Privacy System for IoT-based Energy Meters
    Phuthipong Bovornkeeratiroj, Srinivasan Iyengar, Stephen Lee, David Irwin, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of IEEE/ACM Fifth International Conference on Internet-of-Things Design and Implementation (IoTDI) (pp. 79-91), Sydney, April 2020. (doi: 10.1109/IoTDI49375.2020.00015) Apr 2020


  1. Hot or Not: Leveraging Mobile Devices for Ubiquitous Temperature Sensing
    Joseph Breda, Amee Trivedi, Chulabhaya Wijesundara, Phuthipong Bovornkeeratiroj, David Irwin, Prashant Shenoy, and Jay Taneja
    In Proceedings of ACM BuildSys, New York, NY, November 2019. Nov 2019
  2. Solar-TK: A Data-driven Toolkit for Solar PV Performance Modeling and Forecasting
    Noman Bashir, Dong Chen, David Irwin, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of IEEE Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS 2019), Monterey, CA, November 4-7 2019. Nov 2019
  3. UDAO: A Next-Generation Unified Data Analytics Optimizer
    Khaled Zaouk, Fei Song, Chenghao Lyu, Arnab Sinha, Yanlei Diao, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of VLDB, vol 12, no 12, pp 1934-1937, 2019. 2019
  4. DeepRoof: A Data-driven Approach For Solar Potential Estimation for Rooftop Imagery
    Stephen Lee, Srinivasan Iyengar, Menghong Feng, Prashant Shenoy, and Subhransu Maji
    In Proceedings of 25th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD 2019), Anchorage, Alaska, August 2019 (oral presentation paper). Aug 2019
  5. The Price is (Not) Right: Reflections on Pricing for Transient Cloud Servers (Invited Paper)
    David Irwin, Prashant Shenoy, Pradeep Ambati, Prateek Sharma, Supreeth Shastri, and Ahmed Ali-Eldin
    In Proceedings of IEEE ICCCN Valencia, Spain, July 2019 Jul 2019
  6. Combining Renewable Solar and Open Air Cooling for Internet-scale Distributed Networks (Best Paper Award)
    Vani Gupta, Prashant Shenoy, and Ramesh Sitaraman
    In Proceedings of 10th ACM Conference on Future Energy Systems (ACM e-Energy), Phoenix, AZ, June 2019. Jun 2019
  7. Understanding the Synchronization Costs of Distributed ML on Transient Cloud Resources (Invited Paper)
    Pradeep Ambati, David Irwin, Prashant Shenoy, Lixin Gao, Ahmed Ali-Eldin, and Jeannie Albrecht
    In Proceedings of IEEE Intl Cloud Engg Conference (IC2E), June 2019 Jun 2019
  8. Resource Deflation: A New Approach For Transient Resource Reclamation
    Prateek Sharma, Ahmed Ali-Edlin, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of ACM Eurosys, Dresden, Germany, March 2019 Mar 2019
  9. SpotWeb: Running Latency-sensitive Distributed Web Services on Transient Cloud Servers (Best Paper Finalist)
    Ahmed Ali-Eldin, Jonathan Westin, Bin Wang, Prateek Sharma, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of the 28th ACM Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing (HPDC), Phoenix, AZ, June 2019 Jun 2019
  10. Performance Evaluation of Multi-Path TCP For Data Center and Cloud Workloads
    Lucas Chaufournier, Ahmed Ali-Eldin, Prateek Sharma, Don Towsley, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering (ICPE 2019), Mumbai, India, April 7-11, 2019 Apr 2019
  11. Building Virtual Power Meters for Online Load Tracking
    Sean Barker, Sandeep Kalra, David Irwin, and Prashant Shenoy
    In ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems (ACM TCPS), 3(2), March 2019 Mar 2019


  1. Helios: a programmable software-defined solar module
    Noman Bashir, David E. Irwin, and Prashant J. Shenoy
    In Proceedings of the 5th Conference on Systems for Built Environments, BuildSys 2018, Shenzen, China, November 07-08, 2018 2018
  2. Towards an Internet of Battlefield Things: A Resilience Perspective
    T. Abdelazer al.
    In IEEE Computer, Special Issue of Cyber-physical Systems Resilience, 2018 2018
  3. WattHome: Identifying Energy-Inefficient Homes at City-scale
    Srinivasan Iyengar, Stephen Lee, David Irwin, Prashant Shenoy, and Benjamin Weil
    In Proceedings of 24th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD 2018), London, August 2018 (oral presentation paper). Aug 2018
  4. Mechanisms and Policies for Controlling Distributed Solar Capacity
    N. Bashir, D. Irwin, P. Shenoy, and J. Taneja
    In ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks, 2018 2018
  5. Analyzing Distribution Transformers at City Scale and the Impact of EVs and Storage
    John Wamburu, Stephen Lee, Prashant Shenoy, and David Irwin
    In Proceedings of 9th ACM Conference on Future Energy Systems (ACM e-Energy), Karlsruhe, Germany, June 2018. Jun 2018
  6. vSolar: Virtualizing Community Solar and Storage for Energy Sharing
    Stephen Lee, Prashant Shenoy, Krithi Ramamritham, and David Irwin
    In Proceedings of 9th ACM Conference on Future Energy Systems (ACM e-Energy),Karlsruhe, Germany, June 2018. Jun 2018
  7. SolarClique: Detecting Anomalies in Residential Solar Arrays
    Srinivasan Iyengar, Stephen Lee, Daniel Sheldon, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of the First ACM Conference on Computing and Sustainable Societies (COMPASS 2018), Menlo Park, CA, June 2018. Jun 2018
  8. Planning Using a Portfolio of Reduced Models with Cost Adjustments (Extended Abstract)
    Sandhya Saisubramanian, Shlomo Zilberstein, and Prashant Shenoy.
    In Proceedings of 17th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS-2018), Stockholm, Sweden, July 2018 Jul 2018
  9. Can Distributed Computing Revolutionize Peace? An IoBT Perspective
    T Abdelzaher, N Ayanian, T Basar, S Diggavi, J Diesner, D Ganesan, R Govindan, S Jha, T Lepoint, B Marlin, K Nahrstedt, D Nicol, R Rajkumar, S Russell, S Seshia, F Sha, P Shenoy, M Srivastava, G Sukhatme, A Swami, P Tabuada, D Towsley, N Vaidya, and V Veeravalli
    In Proceedings of the 38th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, Vision Track, Vienna, Austria, July 2 – 5, 2018 Jul 2018
  10. Private Memoirs of IoT Devices: Safeguarding User Privacy in the IoT Era
    Dong Chen, Phuthipong Bovornkeeratiroj, David Irwin, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of the 38th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, Vision Track, Vienna, Austria, July 2 – 5, 2018 Jul 2018
  11. Efficient Solar Provisioning for Net-Zero Internet-Scale Distributed Networks
    Vani Gupta, Prashant Shenoy, and Ramesh K Sitaraman
    In Proceedings of the 10th Intl. Conference on Communication Systems and NETworkS (COMSNETS 2018), Bengaluru, India, January 3-7, 2018 Jan 2018
  12. Inferring Smart Schedules for Dumb Thermostats
    Srinivasan Iyengar, Sandeep Kalra, David Irwin Anushree Ghosh, Prashant Shenoy, and Benjamin Marlin
    In ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems (ACM TCPS), 2018 (to appear) 2018


  1. Enabling Distributed Energy Storage by Incentivizing Small Load Shifts
    David E. Irwin, Srinivasan Iyengar, Stephen Lee, Aditya Kumar Mishra, Prashant J. Shenoy, and Ye Xu
    ACM Trans. Cyber Phys. Syst. 2017
  2. Want to reduce Energy Consumption? Don’t depend on the Customers!
    Haroon Rashid, Priyanka Mary Mammen, Siddharth Singh, Krithi Ramamritham, Pushpendra Singh, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Systems for Energy Efficient Build Environments (Buildsys 2017), Delft, The Netherlands, November 8-9, 2017 Nov 2017
  3. Fast Transparent Virtual Machine Migration in Distributed Edge Clouds
    Lucas Chaufournier, Prateek Sharma, Franck Le, Erich Nahum, Prashant Shenoy, and Don Towsley
    In The Second ACM/IEEE Symposium on Edge ComputingSan Jose, CA, October 12-14, 2017 Oct 2017
  4. Enforcing Fair Grid Energy Access for Controllable Distributed Solar Capacity
    Noman Bashir, David Irwin, Prashant Shenoy, and Jay Taneja
    In Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Systems for Energy Efficient Build Environments (Buildsys 2017), Delft, The Netherlands, November 8-9, 2017 Nov 2017
  5. Portfolio-driven Resource Management for Transient Cloud Servers
    Prateek Sharma, David Irwin, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of ACM SIGMETRICS, Urbana, IL, June 2017. Jun 2017
  6. Distributed Rate Control for Smart Solar-powered Systems
    DavidI rwin Stephen Lee, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of ACM Conference on Future Energy Systems (ACM e-Energy), Hong Kong, May 2017. May 2017
  7. iSchedule: Campus-scale HVAC Schedule via Mobile WiFi Monitoring
    Amee Trivedi, Jeremy Gummeson, Prashant Shenoy, Deepak Ganesan, and David Irwin
    In Proceedings of ACM Conference on Future Energy Systems (ACM e-Energy), Hong Kong, May 2017. May 2017
  8. SunShade: Enabling Software- defined Solar-powered Systems
    Akansha Singh, Stephen Lee, David Irwin, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (ICCPS), Pittsburgh, PA, April 2017. Apr 2017
  9. The Financialization of Cloud Computing: Opportunities and Challenges
    David Irwin, Prateek Sharma, Supreeth Shastri, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of IEEE ICCCN 2017. 2017
  10. Managing Risk in a Derivative IaaS Cloud
    Prateek Sharma, Stephen Lee, Tian Guo, David Irwin, and Prashant Shenoy
    In IEEE Trans on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), 2017. 2017
  11. Minimizing Transmission Loss in Smart Microgrids by Sharing Renewable Energy
    Zhichuan Huang, Ting Zhu, Yu Gu, David Irwin, Aditya Mishra, Daniel Menasche, and Prashant Shenoy
    In ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems, 2017. 2017
  12. Design and Operational Analysis of a Green Data Center
    David Irwin Prateek Sharma, and Prashant Shenoy
    In IEEE Internet Computing, Special Issue on Energy-efficient Data Centers, 2017. 2017
  13. Keep it Simple: Bidding for Servers in Today?s Cloud Platforms
    Prateek Sharma, David Irwin, and Prashant Shenoy
    In IEEE Internet Computing, 2017. 2017
  14. Pervasive Energy Monitoring and Control through Low-Bandwidth Power Line Communication
    Sean Barker, David Irwin, and Prashant Shenoy
    In IEEE IoT Journal 2017. 2017


  1. Containers and Virtual Machines at Scale: A Comparative Study
    Prateek Sharma, Lucas Chaufournier, Prashant Shenoy, and Y.C. Tay
    In The 17th Proceeding of ACM Middleware Conference, Trento, Italy, December 12-16, 2016 Dec 2016
  2. SunSpot: Exposing the Location of Anonymous Solar-powered Homes
    Dong Chen, Srinivasan Iyengar, David Irwin, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Systems for Energy Efficient Build Environments (Buildsys 2016), Palo Alto, CA, November 16-17, 2016 Nov 2016
  3. Analyzing Energy Usage on a City-scale using Utility Smart Meters
    Srinivasan Iyengar, Stephen Lee, David Irwin, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Systems for Energy Efficient Build Environments (BuildSys 2016), Palo Alto, CA, November 16-17, 2016 Nov 2016
  4. Shared Solar-powered EV Charging Stations: Feasibility and Benefits
    Stephen Lee, Srinivasan Iyengar, David Irwin, and Prashant Shenoy
    In IEEE 7th International Green and Sustainable Computing Conference, Hangzhou, China, November 7-9, 2016 Nov 2016
  5. SmartSim: A Device-accurate Smart Home Energy Trace Generator
    Dong Chen, David Irwin, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications, Sydney, Australia, November 6-9, 2016 Nov 2016
  6. Placement Strategies for Virtualized Network Functions in a NFaaS Cloud
    Xin He, Tian Guo, Erich Nahum, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceeding of IEEE Workshop on Hot Topics in Web Systems and Technologies , Washington DC, October 24-25, 2016 Oct 2016
  7. Firebird: Network-aware Task Scheduling for Spark Using SDNs
    Xin He, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of the 25th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communication Networks, Waikoloa, Hawaii, August 1-4, 2016 Aug 2016
  8. Non-Intrusive Model Detection: Automated Modeling of Residential Electrical Loads
    Srinivasan Iyengar, David Irwin, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Future Energy Systems (e-Energy ’16), Waterloo, Canada, June 21-24, 2016 Jun 2016
  9. How to Cool Internet-Scale Distributed Networks on the Cheap
    Vani Gupta, Stephen Lee, Prashant Shenoy, Ramesh K. Sitaraman, and Rahul Urgaonkar
    In Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Future Energy Systems (e-Energy ’16), Waterloo, Canada, June 21-24, 2016 Jun 2016
  10. How Not to Bid the Cloud
    Prateek Sharma, David Irwin, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of the 8th USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Cloud Computing (HotCloud ’16), Denver, Colorado, June 20-21, 2016 Jun 2016
  11. Minimizing Transmission Loss in Smart Microgrids by Sharing Renewable Energy
    Zhichuan Huang, Ting Zhu, Yu Gu, David Irwin, Aditya Mishra, Daniel Menasche, and Prashant Shenoy
    In ACM Trans of Cyber-Physical Systems, 2016 2016
  12. SpotLight: An Information Service for the Cloud
    Xue Ouyang, David Irwin, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of the 36th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems,ICDCS ’16, Nara Hotel, Nara, Japan, June 27-30, 2016 Jun 2016
  13. Flint: Batch-Interactive Data-Intensive Processing on Transient Servers
    Prateek Sharma, Tian Guo, Xin He, David Irwin, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of the Eleventh European Conference on Computer Systems, EuroSys ’16, London, UK, April 18-21, 2016 Apr 2016
  14. GeoScale: Providing Geo-Elasticity in Distributed Clouds
    Tian Guo, Prashant Shenoy, and Hakan Hacigumus
    In Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering, IC2E ’16, Berlin, Germany, April 4-8, 2016 Apr 2016
  15. Beyond Energy-Efficiency: Evaluating Green Datacenter Applications for Energy-Agility
    Supreeth Subramanya, Zain Mustafa, David Irwin, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of the 7th ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering, ICPE 2016, Delft, the Netherlands, March 12-16, 2016 Mar 2016
  16. Analyzing the Efficiency of a Green University Data Center
    Patrick Pegus II, Benoy Varghese, Tian Guo, David Irwin, Prashant Shenoy, Anirban Mahanti, James Culbert, John Goodhue, and Chris Hill
    In Proceedings of the 7th ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering, ICPE 2016, Delft, the Netherlands, March 12-16, 2016 Mar 2016
  17. Per-VM Page Cache Partitioning for Cloud Computing Platforms
    Prateek Sharma, Purushottam Kulkarni, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communication Systems and Networks, Bangalore, India, January 5-9, 2016 Jan 2016


  1. Managing Server Clusters on Intermittent Power
    Navin Sharma, Dilip Krishnappa, Sean Barker, David Irwin, and Prashant Shenoy
    In PeerJ November 2015 Nov 2015
  2. iProgram: Inferring Smart Schedules for Dumb Thermostats
    Srinivasan Iyengar, Sandeep Kalra, David Irwin Anushree Ghosh, Prashant Shenoy, and Benjamin Marlin
    In Proceedings of the 2nd ACM International Conference on Embedded Systems For Energy-Efficient Built Environments, BuildSys 2015, Stanford, California, November 16-17, 2015 Nov 2015
  3. Cormorant: Running Analytic Queries on MapReduce with Collaborative Software-defined Networking
    Pengcheng Xiong, Xin He, Hakan Hacigumus, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Procceedings of Third IEEE Workshop on Hot Topics in Web Systems and Technologies, Washington DC, November 2015 Nov 2015
  4. Preventing Occupancy Detection from Smart Meter Data
    Dong Chen, Sandeep Kalra, David Irwin, Prashant Shenoy, and Jeannie Albrecht
    In IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 2426-2434, Sept 2015 2015
  5. Supporting Scalable Analytics with Latency Constraints
    Boduo Li, Yanlei Diao, and Prashant Shenoy
    In PVLDB Journal,8(11), 2015. Proceedings of the 2015 VLDB conference, Hawaii,August 2015 2015
  6. SpotOn: A Batch Computing Service for the Spot Market
    Supreeth Subramanya, Tian Guo, Prateek Sharma, David Irwin, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of 6th ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing (SOCC), Hawaii, August 2015 Aug 2015
  7. Integrating Energy Storage in Electricity DistributionNetworks
    Aditya Mishra, Ramesh Sitaraman, David Irwin, TingZhu, Prashant Shenoy, Bhavana Dalvi, and Stephen Lee
    In Proceedings of the 6th ACM Intl. Conference on Future Energy Systems(ACM e-Energy), Bangalore, India, July 2015 Jul 2015
  8. Model-driven Geo-Elasticity In Database Clouds
    Tian Guo, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Conference on AutonomicComputing (ICAC), Grenoble, France, July 7-10, 2015. Jul 2015
  9. Cost Minimization using Renewable Cooling and ThermalEnergy Storage in CDNs.
    Stephen Lee, Rahul Urgaonkar, RameshSitaraman, and Prashant Shenoy.
    In Proceedings of the 12th IEEEInternational Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC), Grenoble, France, July 7-10, 2015. Jul 2015
  10. Cutting the Cost of Hosting Online Internet Services using Cloud Spot Markets
    Xin He, Ramesh Sitaraman, Prashant Shenoy, and David Irwin
    In Proceedings of the 24th international symposium on High-performanceparallel and distributed computing, Portland, Oregon, June 15-19,2015 Jun 2015
  11. Towards cooling Internet-Scale Distributed Networks on the Cheap
    Vani Gupta, Stephen Lee, Rahul Urgaonkar, Ramesh Sitaraman, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of the ACM Sigmetrics Conference, Portland, Oregon, June 2015. (Poster) Jun 2015
  12. SpotCheck: Designing a Derivative IaaS Cloud on the Spot Market
    Prateek Sharma, Stephen Lee, Tian Guo, David Irwin, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of the Tenth EuropeanConference on Computer Systems, EuroSys ’15, Bordeaux, France, August 21-24, 2015 Aug 2015
  13. Preventing Occupancy Detection from Smart Meter Data
    Dong Chen, Sandeep Kalra, David Irwin, Prashant Shenoy, and Jeannie Albrecht
    In IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol.PP,no.99, pp.1,1 doi: 10.1109/TSG.2015.2402224 2015
  14. Video BenchLab: An Open Platform for Realistic Benchmarking of Streaming Media Workloads
    Patrick Pagus II, Emmanuel Cecchet, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of the ACM Multimedia Systems Conference (MMSys 2015),Portland, OR, March 2015. Mar 2015


  1. PowerPlay: Creating Virtual Power Meters throughOnline Load Tracking in Smart Homes
    Sean Barker, Sandeep Kalra, David Irwin, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of the ACM Intl. Conference on Embedded Systems forEnergy-efficient Buildings (BuildSys 2014), Memphis, TN, November2014. 2014
  2. SolarCast - A Cloud-based Black Box Solar Predictorfor Smart Homes
    Srinivasan Iyengar, Navin Sharma, David Irwin, Prashant Shenoy, and Krithi Ramamritham
    In Proceedings of the ACM Intl. Conferenceon Embedded Systems for Energy-efficient Buildings (BuildSys 2014),Memphis, TN, November 2014. Nov 2014
  3. Minimizing Electricity Costs by Sharing Energy inSustainable Microgrids
    Z. Huang, J. Su, T. Zhu, A. Sharma, A. Ambegaonkar, Y. Gu, A.Mishra, D. Irwin, and P. Shenoy
    In Proceedings of the ACMIntl. Conference on Embedded Systems for Energy-efficient Buildings(BuildSys 2014), Memphis, TN, November 2014. Nov 2014
  4. Non-Intrusive Load Identification for Smart Outlets
    Sean Barker, Moaj Musthag, David Irwin, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of IEEE Intl. Conf on Smart Grid Communications(SmartGridComm 2014), Pisa, Italy, November 2014. Nov 2014
  5. Greening Web Servers: A Case for Ultra Low Power WebServers
    B. Varghese, N. Carlsson, G. Jourjon, A. Mahanti, and P. Shenoy
    In Proceedings of the 5th IEEE Intl. Green Computing Conference (IGCC),Dallas, TX, November 2014. Nov 2014
  6. CloudNet: Dynamic Pooling of Cloud Resources by LiveWAN Migration of Virtual Machines
    T. Wood, K K. Ramakrishnan, P. Shenoy, J. Merwe, J.Hwang, G. Liu, and L. Chaufournier
    In IEEE Transactions onNetworking (TON), 2014. 2014
  7. Leveraging weather forecasts in renewable energysystems
    Navin Sharma, Jeremy Gummeson, David Irwin, Ting Zhu, and PrashantShenoy
    In Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems,Volume 4, Issue 3, pages 160-171, September 2014. Sep 2014
  8. ShuttleDB: Database-Aware Elasticity in the Cloud
    Sean Barker, Yun Chi, Hakan Hacigumus, and Prashant Shenoy Cecchet
    In Proceedings of USENIX Intl. Conference onAutonomic Computing (ICAC), Philadeplhia, PA, June 2014. Jun 2014
  9. Here Today, Gone Tomorrow: Exploiting TransientServers in Data Centers
    Rahul Singh, Prateek Sharma, David Irwin, Prashant Shenoy, and K.K. Ramakrishnan
    In IEEE Internet Computing, vol 18, no 4,pages 22-29, August 2014 Aug 2014
  10. Empirical Characterization, Modeling, and Analysis ofSmart Meter Data
    Sean Barker, Sandeep Kalra, David Irwin, and Prashant Shenoy
    In IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC), SpecialSeries on Smart Grid Communications, vol 32, no 7, pages 1312-1327,July 2014. 2014
  11. NILM Redux: The Case for Emphasizing Applications overAccuracy
    Sean Barker, Sandeep Kalra, David Irwin, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of the Second NILM workshop (NILM 2014), Austin, TX, June2014. 2014
  12. Combined Heat and Privacy: Preventing OccupancyDetection from Smart Meters
    Dong Chen, David Irwin, Prashant Shenoy, and Jeannie Albrecht
    In Proceedings of IEEE PerCom, Budapest, Hungary, March 2014 Mar 2014
  13. Cost-aware Cloud Bursting for Enterprise Applications
    Tian Guo, Upendra Sharma, Prashant Shenoy, Timothy Wood, and SambitSahu
    In ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT), vol13, no 3, May 2014 May 2014
  14. VMShadow: Optimizing The Performance ofLatency-sensitive Virtual Desktops in Distributed Clouds
    Tian Guo, Vijay Gopalakrishnan, K. K. Ramakrishnan, PrashantShenoy, Arun Venkataramani, and Seungjoon Lee
    In Proceedings ofACM Multimedia Systems 2014 (MMSYS 2014), Singapore, March 19-21 2014 Mar 2014
  15. Reducing Energy Costs in Internet-Scale DistributedSystems Using Load Shifting
    Vimal Mathew, Ramesh K. Sitaraman, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of IEEE COMSNETS 2014, Bangalore, India, January 7-10,2014 Jan 2014


  1. Multimedia systems research: The first twenty years and lessons for the next twenty
    Prashant J. Shenoy
    ACM Trans. Multim. Comput. Commun. Appl. 2013
  2. Incentivizing Advanced Load Scheduling in Smart Homes
    Ye Xu, David Irwin, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings ofACM BuildSys 2013, Rome, Italy, November 11-15, 2013 Nov 2013
  3. Non-Intrusive Occupancy Monitoring using Smart Meters
    Dong Chen, Sean Barker, Adarsh Subbaswamy, David Irwin, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of ACM BuildSys 2013, Rome,Italy, November 11-15, 2013 Nov 2013
  4. A Flexible Elastic Control Plane for Private Clouds
    Upendra Sharma, Prashant Shenoy, and Sambit Sahu
    In Proceedings ofthe ACM Cloud and Autonomics Conference (CAC) 2013
  5. Energy-Efficient Content Delivery Networks usingCluster Shutdown
    V. Mathew, R. Sitaraman, and P. Shenoy
    In Proceedings ofthe IEEE International Green Computing Conference (IGCC), Arlington,VA, June 2013 Jun 2013
  6. Empirical Characterization and Modeling of ElectricalLoads in Smart Homes
    S. Barker, S. Kalra, D. Irwin, and P. Shenoy
    In Proceedingsof the IEEE International Green Computing Conference (IGCC),Arlington, VA, June 2013 Jun 2013
  7. A Distributed File System for Intermittent Power
    N. Sharma, D. Irwin, and P. Shenoy
    In Proceedings of theIEEE International Green Computing Conference (IGCC), Arlington, VA,June 2013 2013
  8. mBenchLab: Measuring the QoE of Web Applicationsusing Mobile Devices
    E. Cecchet, R. Sims, X. He, and P. Shenoy
    In Proceedingsof the ACM/IEEE Intl. Symposium on Quality of Service (IWQoS),Montreal, Canada, June 2013 Best Paper Award Jun 2013
  9. Scaling Distributed Energy Storage for Grid PeakReduction
    A. Mishra, D. Irwin, P. Shenoy, and T. Zhu
    In Proceedings ofthe 4th ACM Intl. Conference on Future Energy Systems (ACM e-Energy),Berkeley, CA, May 2013 Best Paper Runner-up May 2013
  10. Yank: Enabling Green Data Centers to Pull the Plug
    Rahul Singh, David Irwin, and Prashant Shenoy K.K. Ramakrishnan
    In Proceedings of NSDI 2013, Lombard, IL, April 2013 Apr 2013
  11. Sharing Renewable Energy in Smart Microgrids,
    T. Zhu, Z. Huang, A. Sharma, J. Su, D. Irwin, A. Mishra, D.Menasche, and P. Shenoy
    In ACM/IEEE 4th InternationalConference on Cyber-Physical Systems (ACM/IEEE ICCPS ’13),Philadelphia, PA, April 2013. Apr 2013
  12. GreenCache: Augmenting Off-the-Grid Cellular Towerswith Multimedia Caches
    Navin Sharma, Dilip Krishnappa, David Irwin, and Prashant Shenoy Michael Zink
    In Proceedings of ACM MMSys, Oslo, Norway,February 2013 2013
  13. Analytical Modeling for What-if Analysis in ComplexCloud Computing Applications
    R. Singh, P. Shenoy, M. Natu, V. Sadaphal, and H. Vin
    In ACM Sigmetrics Performance Evaluation Review, Special Issue on CloudComputing, Vol 40, no 4, pages 53-62, March 2013 (updated version ofPredico paper) Mar 2013
  14. GreenCharge: Managing Renewable Energy in SmartBuildings
    A. Mishra, D. Irwin, P. Shenoy, J. Kurose, and T. Zhu
    In IEEEJournal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC), Special Series onSmart Grid Communications, 31(7): 1281-1293, July 2013. Jul 2013


  1. Provisioning Multi-tier Cloud Applications UsingStatistical Bounds on Sojourn Time
    Upendra Sharma, Prashant Shenoy, and Don Towsley
    In Proceedingsof the 9th ACM Conference on Autonomic Computing, San Jose, CA,September 2012. 2012
  2. Smart*: An Open Data Set and Tools for EnablingResearch in Sustainable Homes
    Sean Barker, Aditya Mishra, David Irwin, Prashant Shenoy Emmanuel Cecchet, and Jeannie Albrecht
    In Proceedings of the2012 Workshop on Data Mining Applications in Sustainability (SustKDD2012), Beijing, China, August 2012 Aug 2012
  3. Enterprise Ready Virtual Cloud Pools: Vision,Oppurtunities and Challenges
    T. Wood, K K Ramakrishnan, P. Shenoy, and K Van Merwe
    In TheComputer Journal, Oxford Univ. Press, 55 (8): 995-1004, 2012. SpecialIssue on Security and Performance of Networks and Clouds 2012
  4. MultiSense: Proportional-Share for MechanicallySteerable Sensor Networks
    Navin Sharma, David Irwin, Prashant Shenoy, and Michael Zink
    In MultimediaSystems Journal (MMSJ), vol 18(5):425-444, October 2012 Oct 2012
  5. SmartCharge: Cutting the Electricity Bill in SmartHomes with Energy Storage (test of time award)
    Aditya Mishra, David Irwin, Prashant Shenoy, Jim Kurose, and Ting Zhu
    In Proceedings of the Third International Conferenceon Future Energy Systems (e-Energy), Madrid, Spain, May 2012. May 2012
  6. Seagull: Intelligent Cloud Bursting for EnterpriseApplications
    Tian Guo, Upendra Sharma, Sambit Sahu, Timothy Wodd, and PrashantShenoy
    In Proc. USENIX Annual Technical Conference Shortpapers, June 13.15, 2012, Boston, MA. Jun 2012
  7. An Empirical Study of Memory Sharing in VirtualMachines
    Sean Barker, Timothy Wood, Prashant Shenoy, and RameshSitaraman
    In Proceedings of the 2012 USENIX Annual TechnicalConference (USENIX ATC), Boston, MA, June 2012 Jun 2012
  8. eTransform: Transforming Enterprise Data Centers byAutomated Consolidation
    Rahul Singh, Prashant Shenoy, K. K. Ramakrishnan, Rahul Kelkar, and Harrick Vin
    In Proceedings of the 32nd InternationalConference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), Macau, China,June 18-21, 2012 2012
  9. "Cut Me Some Slack": Latency-Aware Live Migration forDatabases
    Sean Barker, Yun Chi, Hyun Jin Moon, Hakan Kacigumus, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceeding of the 15th InternationalConference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT), Berlin, Germany,March 2012 2012
  10. SmartCap: Flattening Peak Electricity Demand in SmartHomes
    Sean Barker, Aditya Mishra, David Irwin, Prashant Shenoy, and Jeannie Albrecht.
    In Proceedings of the 10th IEEEInternational Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications(PerCom), Lugano, Switzerland, March 2012 (Appeared in BestPapers Session) Mar 2012
  11. Designing Privacy-preserving Smart Meters withLow-cost Microcontrollers
    Andres Molina-Markham, George Danezis, Kevin Fu, PrashantShenoy, and David Irwin
    In Proceedings of FinancialCryptography and Data Security, Bonaire, March 2012 Mar 2012
  12. Energy-Aware Load Balancing in Content DeliveryNetworks.
    Vimal Mathew, Ramesh Sitaraman, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of IEEE Infocom, Orlando, FL, March 2012 Mar 2012
  13. Varanus: More-With-Less Fault Localization in DataCenters
    Vaishali Sadaphal, Maitreya Natu, and Harrick Vin Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of IEEE COMSNETS, Bangalore, India, January 2012 (BestPaper Award) Jan 2012
  14. Modellus: Automated Modeling of Complex Internet DataCenter Applications.
    Peter Desnoyers, Timothy Wood, Prashant Shenoy, Sangameshwar Patil Rahul Singh, and Harrick Vin.
    In ACM Transactions onthe Web (TWEB), Volume 6 Issue 2, May 2012 May 2012
  15. SPIRE: Efficient Data Inference and Compression overRFID Streams.
    Yanming Nie, Richard Cocci, Zhao Cao, Yanlei Diao, and PrashantShenoy.
    In IEEE Trans. on Knowledge and Data Engineering(TKDE), 24(1): 141-155, January 2012. Jan 2012


  1. Predico: A System for What-if Analysis in ComplexData Center Applications.
    Rahul Singh, Prashant Shenoy, Maitreya Natu, Vaishali Sadaphal, and Harrick Vin.
    In Proceedings of the 12th ACM/IFIP/USENIXInternational Middleware Conference, Lisboa, Portugal, 12 - 16December 2011. 2011
  2. PipeCloud: Using Causality to Overcome Speed-of-LightDelays in Cloud-Based Disaster Recovery.
    Timothy Wood, Andres Lagar-Cavilla, Prashant Shenoy K. K. Ramakrishnan, and Jacobus Van Merwe.
    In Proceedings of 2ndSymposium on Cloud Computing (SOCC), October 2011. Oct 2011
  3. Exploiting Home Automation Protocols for LoadMonitoring in Smart Buildings.
    David Irwin, Anthony Wu, Sean Barker, Aditya Mishra, JeannieAlbrecht, and Prashant Shenoy.
    In Proceedings of the ThirdWorkshop on Embedded Sensing Systems for Energy-efficiency inBuildings (BuildSys), Seattle, Washington, November 2011. Nov 2011
  4. The Case For Efficient Renewable Energy Managementfor Smart Homes.
    Ting Zhu, Aditya Mishra, David Irwin, Navin Sharma, PrashantShenoy, and Don Towsley.
    In Proceedings of the Third Workshopon Embedded Sensing Systems for Energy-efficiency in Buildings(BuildSys), Seattle, Washington, November 2011. Nov 2011
  5. Predicting Solar Generation from Weather ForecastsUsing Machine Learning.
    Navin Sharma, Pranshu Sharma, David Irwin, and Prashant Shenoy.
    In Proceedings of the Second IEEE International Conference onSmart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm), Brussels, Belgium,October, 2011. 2011
  6. Towards Continuous Policy-driven Demand Response inData Centers
    David Irwin, Navin Sharma, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of the Workshop on Energy and IT: from Green Networkingto Smarter Systems, co-located with SIGCOMM. Toronto, Canada, August19th, 2011. (Best Paper Award) 2011
  7. Distributed Inference and Query Processing for RFIDTracking and Monitoring.
    Zhao Cao, Charles Sutton, Yanlei Diao, and Prashant Shenoy.
    In Proceedings of VLDB 2011, Seattle, WA, August 2011. Also appears asPVLDB 2011, 4(5), 326-337, Febuary 2011. Aug 2011
  8. Finding a ’Kneedle’ in a Haystack: Detecting KneePoints in System Behavior
    Ville Satopaa, Jeannie Albrecht, David Irwin, and BarathRaghavan.
    In Proceedings of the Third Annual Workshop onSimplifying Complex Networks for Practitioners (Simplex),Minneapolis, MN, June 24th, 2011 Jun 2011
  9. BenchLab: An Open Testbed for Realistic Benchmarkingof Web Applications
    Emmanuel Cecchet, Veena Udayabhanu, Timothy Wood, and PrashantShenoy.
    In Proceedings of 2nd USENIX Conference on WebApplication Development (WebApps ’11), June 15-16, 2011, Portland, OR Jun 2011
  10. A Platform for Scalable On-pass Analytics usingMapReduce
    Boduo Li, Ed Mazur, Yanlei Diao, Andrew McGregor, and PrashantShenoy.
    In Proceedings of ACM Sigmod, Athens, Greece, June2011 2011
  11. Sharing-aware Algorithms for Virtual MachineColocation.
    Michael Sindelar, Ramesh Sitaraman, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of 23rd ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms andArchitectures (SPAA), San Jose, CA, June 2011. Jun 2011
  12. Kingfisher: Cost-aware Elasticity in the Cloud
    Upendra Sharma, Prashant Shenoy, Sambit Sahu, and Anees Shaikh
    In Proceedings of IEEE Infocom 2011, Shanghai, China, April 2011(miniconference/short version) Apr 2011
  13. ZZ and the Art of Practical BFT Execution
    Timothy Wood, Rahul Singh, Arun Venkataramani, Prashant Shenoy, and Emmanuel Cecchet
    In EuroSys 2011, Salzburg, Austria, April10 - 13, 2011 2011
  14. BenchLab: Benchmarking with Real Web Applications andWeb Browsers
    Emmanuel Cecchet, Veena Udayabhanu, Timothy Wood, PrashantShenoy, Fabien Mottet, Vivien Quema, and Guillaume Pierre.
    In Eurosys 2011, Poster and demo session, April 10-13, 2011, Salzburg,Austria Apr 2011
  15. Towards Scalable One-Pass Analytics Using MapReduce
    Boduo Li, Ed Mazur, Yanlei Diao, and Prashant Shenoy.
    In DataCloud 2011- Workshop on Data-intensive Computing in the Clouds,Anchorage, Alaska, May 2011 May 2011
  16. Dolly: Virtualization-driven Database Provisioningfor the Cloud
    Emmanuel Cecchet, Rahul Singh, Upendra Sharma, and Prashant Shenoy
    In 2011 ACM SIGPLAN/SIGOPS International Conference on Virtual ExecutionEnvironments (VEE 2011), Newport Beach, CA, March 9-11, 2011 Mar 2011
  17. CloudNet: Dynamic Pooling of Cloud Resources by LiveWAN Migration of Virtual Machines
    Timothy Wood, K.K. Ramakrishnan, Prashant Shenoy, and Jacobus Vander Merwe
    In 2011 ACM SIGPLAN/SIGOPS International Conferenceon Virtual Execution Environments (VEE 2011), Newport Beach, CA,March 9-11, 2011 2011
  18. Blink: Managing Server Clusters on Intermittent Power
    Navin Sharma, Sean Barker, David Irwin, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Conference onArchitectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems(ASPLOS), Newport Beach, California, March, 2011. 2011
  19. MultiSense: Fine-grained Multiplexing for SteerableCamera Sensor Networks
    Navin Sharma, David Irwin, Prashant Shenoy, and Michael Zink
    In Proceedings of ACM Multimedia Systems 2011 (MMSys 2011), San Jose,CA, USA, February 23-25, 2011 Feb 2011


  1. Networked Cloud Orchestration: A GENI Perspective
    Ilia Baldine, Yufeng Xin, Anirban Mandal, Chris Heermann, JeffChase, Varun Marupadi, Aydan Yumerefendi, and David Irwin
    In IEEE Workshop on Management of Emerging Networks and Services (MENS),Miami, Florida, December, 2010 2010
  2. Private Memoirs of a Smart Meter
    Andres Molina-Markham, Prashant Shenoy, Kevin Fu, EmmanuelCecchet, and David Irwin
    In 2nd ACM Workshop On Embedded SensingSystems For Energy-Efficiency In Buildings (BuildSys 2010), Zurich,Switzerland, November 2, 2010 Nov 2010
  3. Shipping to Streaming: Is this shift green?
    An, Seetharam, Manikandan Somasundaram, Jim Kurose, DonTowsley, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proc. of First ACM SIGCOMMWorkshop on Green Networking, New Delhi, India August 2010 Aug 2010
  4. Exploiting the Interplay Between Memory and FlashStorage In Embedded Sensor Devices
    D. Agrawal, B. Li, Z. Cao, D. Ganesan, Y. Diao, and P. Shenoy
    In Proceedings of the 16th IEEE Conference on Embedded and Real-timeComputing Systems (RTCSA), Embedded Track, Macau, China, Aug 2010 2010
  5. Disaster Recovery as a Cloud Service: EconomicBenefits & Deployment Challenges
    Timothy Wood, Emmanuel Cecchet, K.K. Ramakrishnan, PrashantShenoy, Jacobus Merwe, and Arun Venkataramani.
    In Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Hot Topics in Cloud Computing,HotCloud 2010, June 22, 2010 Jun 2010
  6. Autonomic Mix-Aware Provisioning for Non-StationaryData Center Workloads
    Rahul Singh, Upendra Sharma, Emmanuel Cecchet, and PrashantShenoy
    In Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Conferenceon Autonomic Computing and Communications (ICAC), Washington, DC,USA, June 7-11, 2010 Jun 2010
  7. Cloudy Computing: Leveraging Weather Forecasts inEnergy Harvesting Sensor Systems
    Navin Sharma, Jeremy Gummeson, David Irwin, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of the Seventh IEEE Communications Society Conference onSensor, Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks (SECON), Boston,Massachusetts, June 2010 Jun 2010
  8. Towards a Virtualized Sensing Environment
    David Irwin, Navin Sharma, Prashant Shenoy, and Michael Zink
    In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Testbeds andResearch Infrastructures for the Development of Networks andCommunities—Testbed Practices Track (TridentCom), Berlin, Germany,May 2010. 2010
  9. Resource Management in Data-Intensive Clouds:Opportunities and Challenges
    David Irwin, Prashant Shenoy, Emmanuel Cecchet, and MichaelZink
    In Proceedings of the 17th IEEE Workshop on Local andMetropolitan Area Networks (LANMAN 2010), May 5-7, 2010, Long Branch,New Jersey, USA. (Invited paper) May 2010
  10. Automated Negotiation with Decommitment for DynamicResource Allocation in Cloud Computing
    Bo An, David Irwin Victor Lesser, and Michael Zink
    In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference onAutonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS), Toronto, Canada,May 2010. 2010
  11. JReq: Database Queries in Imperative Languages
    Ming-Yee Iu, Emmanuel Cecchet, and Willy Zwaenepoel
    In Proceedings of the International Conference on Compiler Construction(CC 2010), Paphos, Cyprus, 20-28 March 2010 Mar 2010
  12. Empirical Evaluation of Latency-sensitive ApplicationPerformance in the Cloud
    Sean Barker, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of MMSys2010 - the first ACM Multimedia Systems Conference, Scottsdale, AZ,February 2010 2010
  13. An Adaptive Link Layer for Heterogeneous Multi-radioMobile Sensor Networks
    Jeremy Gummeson, Deepak Ganesan, Prashant Shenoy, and MarkCorner
    In IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications(JSAC), Special Issue on Simple Wireless Sensor Networking Solutions,2010 2010
  14. Ferret: An RFID-enabled pervasive multimediaapplication
    Xiaotao Liu, Mark D. Corner, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Ad HocNetworks, 2010 2010


  1. Drivolution: Rethinking the Database Driver Lifecycle
    Emmanuel Cecchet, and George Candea
    In Proceedings ofMiddleware 2009 (Industrial track), Urbana Champaign, IL, USA,December 2009 2009
  2. Architectural Considerations for Distributed RFIDTracking and Monitoring
    Zhao Cao, Yanlei Diao, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedingsof the ACM workshop on Networking Meets Databases (NetDB), Big Sky,MO, USA, October 2009 Oct 2009
  3. Online Piece-wise Linear Approximation of NumericalStreams with Precision Guarantees
    Hazem Elmeleegy, Ahmed Elmagarmid, Emmanuel Cecchet, Walid Aref, and Willy Zwaenepoel
    In Proceedings of VLDB 2009, Lyon,France, August 2009 Aug 2009
  4. A Multiagent Learning Approach to Online DistributedResource Allocation
    Chongjie Zhang, Victor Lesser, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of 21st International Joint Conference on ArtificialIntelligence (IJCAI), Pages 361-366, July 2009 Jul 2009
  5. The Case for Enterprise-ready Virtual Private Clouds
    Timothy Wood, Alexandre Gerber, K.K. Ramakrishnan, and Jacobusvan Merwe.
    In In proceedings of the Workshop on Hot Topicsin Cloud Computing, HotCloud 2009, pages 1-5, June 2009. Jun 2009
  6. An Adaptive Link Layer for Range Diversity inMulti-radio Mobile Sensor Networks
    Jeremy Gummeson, Deepak Ganesan, Prashant Shenoy, and MarkCorner
    In Proceedings of IEEE Infocom, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,pages 154-162, April 2009 Apr 2009
  7. Predicting Replicated Database Scalability fromStandalone Database Profiling
    Sameh Elnikety, Steve Dropsho, Emmanuel Cecchet, and WillyZwaenepoel
    In EuroSys 2009, Nuremberg, Germany, pages 303-316,April 2009 2009
  8. Probabilistic Inference over RFID Streams in MobileEnvironments
    Thanh Tran, Charles Sutton, Richard Cocci, Yanming Nie, YanleiDiao, and Prashant Shenoy
    In 25th International Conference onData Engineering (ICDE), Shanghai, China, pages 1096-1107, April 2009 Apr 2009
  9. Memory Buddies: Exploiting Page Sharing for SmartColocation in Virtualized Data Centers
    Timothy Wood, Gabriel Tarasuk-Levin, Prashant Shenoy, PeterDesnoyers, Emmanuel Cecchet, and Mark Corner
    In 2009 ACMSIGPLAN/SIGOPS International Conference on Virtual ExecutionEnvironments (VEE 2009), Washington, DC, USA, pages 31-40, March11-13, 2009 2009
  10. SRCP: Simple Remote Control for Perpetual High-powerSensor Networks
    Navin Sharma, Jeremy Gummeson, David Irwin, and Prashant Shenoy Deepak Ganesan
    In EWSN 2009 - 6th European Conference onWireless Sensor Networks, Cork, Ireland, pages 1-16, February 11-13,2009 Feb 2009
  11. Performance Debugging in Data Centers: Doing Morewith Less
    Emmanuel Cecchet, Maitreya Natu, Vaishali Sadaphal, PrashantShenoy, and Harrick Vin
    In IEEE COMSNET 2009 - 1stInternational Conference on COMmunication Systems and NETworkS,Bangalore, India, pages 1-9, January, 5-10 2009 (Invitedpaper) 2009
  12. Sandpiper: Black-box and Gray-box Resource Managementfor Virtual Machines
    Timothy Wood, Prashant Shenoy, Arun Venkataramani, and MazinYousif.
    In Computer Networks Journal Special Issue onVirtualized Data Centers, 2009 2009
  13. Ultra Low Power Data Storage for Sensor Networks
    Gaurav Mathur, Peter Desnoyers, Paul Chukiu, and Deepak Ganesan Shenoy
    In ACM Transaction on Sensor Networks, pages1-20, 2009 2009
  14. SEVA: Sensor Enhanced Video Annotation
    Xiaotao Liu, Mark D. Corner, and Prashant Shenoy
    In ACMTransactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications(ACM TOMCCAP), vol 5, number 3, Pages 1-26, August 2009 Aug 2009
  15. PRESTO: Feedback-driven Data Management in SensorNetworks
    Ming Li, Deepak Ganesan, and Prashant Shenoy
    In IEEE/ACMTransactions on Networking (TON), vol 17, number 4, Pages 1256-1269,August 2009 2009
  16. Memory Buddies: Exploiting Page Sharing for SmartColocation of Data Centers
    T. Wood, G. Tarasuk-Levin, P. Shenoy, P. Desnoyers, and M. Corner E. Cecchet
    In ACM Sigops Operating Systems Review: SpecialIssue on Virtualization, vol 43, number 3, Pages 27-36, July 2009 Jul 2009
  17. Resource Overbooking and Application Profiling in aShared Internet Hosting Platform
    Bhuvan Urgaonkar, Prashant Shenoy, and Timothy Roscoe
    In ACM Transations on Internet Technologies (TOIT), vol 9, number 1,Pages 1-45, February 2009 Feb 2009
  18. Application of Reinforcement Learning in MultisensorFusion Problems with Conflicting Control Objectives
    Shichao Ou, Andrew Fagg, Prashant Shenoy, and Liancheng Chen
    In Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 1-13,February 2009 2009


  1. Profiling and Modeling Resource Usage of VirtualizedApplications
    Timothy Wood, Ludmila Cherkasova, Kivan Ozonat, and PrashantShenoy
    In Proceedings of the 9th ACM/Usenix conference onMiddleware, pages 366-387, Leuven Belgium, December 2008 Dec 2008
  2. Efficient Data Interpretation and Compression overRFID Streams
    Richard Cocci, Thanh Tran, Yanlei Diao, and Prashant Shenoy.
    In Proc. 24th Intl. Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), April 2008,Cancun, Mexico (short paper) Apr 2008
  3. Data Quality and Query Cost in Wireless SensorNetworks
    David Yates, Erich Nahum, James F. Kurose, and Prashant Shenoy.
    In Proc. Intl. Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications(PerCom 2008), Kowloon, Hong Kong, March 2008. Invited to afast-track special issue of Pervasive and Mobile Computing journal. Mar 2008
  4. Data Quality and Query Cost in Pervasive SensingSystems
    David Yates, Erich Nahum, James F. Kurose, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Elsevier Pervasive and Mobile Computing Journal, Special Issue ofSelected Papers from IEEE Percom’08, vol 4, number 6, Pages 851-870,December 2008 2008
  5. Chameleon: Application Level Power Management
    Xiaotao Liu, Prashant Shenoy, and Mark D. Corner.
    In IEEETransactions on Mobile Computing, 7(8):995-1010, August 2008 Aug 2008
  6. Cataclysm: Scalable Overload Policing for InternetApplications
    Bhuvan Urgaonkar, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Elsevier Journalof Network and Computer Applications (JNCA), vol 31, pages 891-920,July 2008 2008
  7. Agile Dynamic Provisioning of Multi-tier InternetApplications
    Bhuvan Urgaonkar, Prashant Shenoy, Abhishek Chandra, PawanGoyal, and Timothy Wood
    In ACM Transactions on Adaptive andAutonomous Systems (TAAS), Vol. 3, No. 1, pages 1-39, March 2008 Mar 2008
  8. Multimedia Streaming via TCP: An Analytic PerformanceStudy
    Bing Wang, Jim Kurose, Prashant Shenoy, and Don Towsley.
    In ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications andApplications (TOMCCAP), 4(2), April 2008 Apr 2008
  9. Hierarchical Scheduling for Symmetric Multiprocessors
    A. Chandra, and P. Shenoy.
    In IEEE Trans. On Parallel andDistributed Systems (TPDS), 19(3), pp 418-431, March 2008 Mar 2008


  1. Multi-user Data Sharing in Radar Sensor Networks
    Ming Li, Tingxin Yan, Deepak Ganesan, Eric Lyons, PrashantShenoy, Arun Venkataramani, and Michael Zink
    In Proceedings ofthe 5th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (Sensys2007), Sydney, Australia, Nov 2007 2007
  2. Hyperion: High Volume Stream Archival forRetrospective Querying
    Peter J. Desnoyers, and Prashant Shenoy.
    In Proceedings ofthe 2007 USENIX Annual Technical Conference, Santa Clara CA, June17-22 2007. Best Paper Award 2007
  3. Black-box and Gray-box Strategies for Virtual MachineMigration
    Timothy Wood, Prashant Shenoy, Arun Venkataramani, and MazinYousif.
    In Proceedings of the Fourth Symposium on NetworkedSystems Design and Implementation (NSDI), Cambridge, MA, April 2007. Apr 2007
  4. Approximate Initialization of Camera Sensor Networks
    Purushottam Kulkarni, Deepak Ganesan, and Prashant Shenoy.
    In Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Wireless SensorNetworks (EWSN 2007), Delft, Netherlands, January, 2007. 2007
  5. Re-thinking Data Management for Storage-centric SensorNetworks
    Yanlei Diao, Deepak Ganesan, Gaurav Mathur, and Prashant Shenoy.
    In Proceedings of the Third Biennial Conference on Innovative DataSystems Research (CIDR), Asilomar, CA, January 2007. Jan 2007
  6. Application Placement on a Cluster of Servers
    B. Urgaonkar, A. Rosenberg, and P. Shenoy.
    In Internernational Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, Vol. 18,No. 5, pages 1023-1041, October 2007 Oct 2007
  7. Design and Analysis of a Demand Adaptive and LocalityAware Streaming Media Server Cluster
    Z. Ge, P. Ji, and P. Shenoy.
    In ACM/Springer MultimediaSystems Journal, Vol 13, no 3, pages 235-249, September 2007 Sep 2007
  8. Resource Management for Real-Time Tasks in Mobile Robotics
    L. Huan, K. Ramamritham, P. Shenoy, R. Grupen, and J. Sweeney.
    In Elsevier J. Software and Systems, Special Issue on Distributed Real-time Systems, vol 80, pages 962-971, May 2007 May 2007
  9. Analytic Modeling of Multi-tier Internet Applications
    Bhuvan Urgaonkar, Giovannu Pacifici, Prashant Shenoy, MikeSpreitzer, and Asser Tantawi.
    In ACM Transactions on the Web(TWEB), vol 1, no 1, pages 1 - 35, May 2007 May 2007


  1. The Case for Semantic Aware Remote Replication
    Xiaotao Liu, Gal Niv, K. K. Ramakrishnan, Prashant Shenoy, and Jacobus Van Merwe.
    In 2nd International Workshop onStorage Security and Survivability (StorageSS 2006), Alexandria, VA,October 2006. 2006
  2. Snapshot: A Self-Calibration Protocol for CameraSensor Networks
    Xiaotao Liu, Purushottam Kulkarni, Prashant Shenoy, and DeepakGanesan.
    In in IEEE Workshop on Broadband Advanced SensorNetworks (BASENETS 2006), San Jose, CA, October 2006. InvitedPaper Oct 2006
  3. CAPSULE: An Energy-Optimized Object Storage System forMemory-Constrained Sensor Devices
    Gaurav Mathur, Peter Desnoyers, Deepak Ganesan, and PrashantShenoy.
    In Proceedings of the Fourth ACM Conference onEmbedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys), Boulder, CO, November2006. Technical Report, Department of Computer Science, University ofMassachusetts, March 2006. Mar 2006
  4. Ferret: RFID Localization for Pervasive Multimedia
    Xiaotao Liu, Mark Corner, and Prashant Shenoy.
    In Proceedings of the Eight International Conference on UbiquitousComputing (Ubicomp), Orange County, CA, September 2006 Sep 2006
  5. Efficient Data Migration in Self-managing StorageSystems
    Vijay Sundaram, Timothy Wood, and Prashant Shenoy.
    In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Autonomic Computing, Dublin, Ireland, June 2006 Jun 2006
  6. PRESTO: Feedback-driven Data Management in SensorNetworks
    Ming Li, Deepak Ganesan, and Prashant Shenoy.
    In Proceedings of the Third Symposium on Networked Systems Design andImplementation (NSDI), San Jose, CA, May 2006 May 2006
  7. Ultra-Low Power Storage for Sensor Networks
    Gaurav Mathur, Peter Desnoyers, Deepak Ganesan, and PrashantShenoy.
    In Proceedings of IEEE/ACM Conference on InformationProcessing in Sensor Networks - Track on Sensor Platform, Tools andDesign Methods for Networked Embedded Systems (IPSN-SPOTS),Nashville, TN, April 2006. Apr 2006
  8. Consistency Maintenance in Dynamic Overlay Networks
    Xiaotao Liu, Jiang Lan, Prashant Shenoy, and Krithi Ramamritham.
    In Computer Networks, Special Issue on Overlay Distribution Structuresand their Applications, 50(6), pp 859-876, April 2006. Apr 2006
  9. An Observation-based Approach Towards Self-managing Web Servers
    A. Chandra, P. Pradhan, R. Tewari, S. Sahu, and P. Shenoy.
    In Computer Communications, vol 29(8), pp 1174-1188, May 2006. May 2006
  10. Dynamic Cache Reconfiguration Strategies for Cluster-based Streaming Proxies
    Y. Guo, Z. Ge, B. Urgaonkar, P. Shenoy, and D. Towsley.
    In Computer Communications vol 29(10), pp 1710-1721, June 2006. Jun 2006


  1. Caching and Distribution Issues for Streaming Content Distribution Networks
    Michael Zink, and Prashant Shenoy
    In , Book Chapter in "WebContent Delivery" X. Tang, J. Xu and S. Chanson (eds), SpringerSeptember 2005. 2005
  2. SEVA: Sensor Enhanced Video Annotation
    Xiaotao Liu, Mark Corner, and Prashant Shenoy.
    In Proceedings of ACM Multimedia, Singapore, November 2005. Plenary Paper and Best Paper Award. Nov 2005
  3. SensEye: A Multi-tier Camera Sensor Network
    Purushottam Kulkarni, Deepak Ganesan, and Prashant Shenoy Lu.
    In Proceedings of ACM Multimedia, Singapore,November 2005. Best Student Paper Finalist. 2005
  4. TSAR: a Two Tier Sensor Storage Architecture UsingInterval Skip Graphs
    Desnoyers, P., Ganesan, D., Shenoy, and P.
    In InProceedings of the 3rd international Conference on Embedded NetworkedSensor Systems (San Diego, California, USA, November 02 - 04, 2005).SenSys ’05. Nov 2005
  5. Chameloen: Application Controlled Power Manangementwith Performance Isolation
    Xiaotao Liu, Prashant Shenoy, and Mark Corner.
    In Proceedings of ACM Multimedia, Singapore, November 2005 Nov 2005
  6. PRESTO: A Predictive Storage Architecture for SensorNetworks
    Peter Desnoyers, Deepak Ganesan, Huan Li, and Prashant Shenoy.
    In Proceedings of the Tenth Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems(HotOS-X), Santa Fe, NM, June 2005. Jun 2005
  7. The Case for Multi-tier Camera Sensor Networks
    Purushottam Kulkarni, Deepak Ganesan, and Prashant Shenoy.
    In Proceedings of ACM NOSSDAV 2005, Skamania, WA, June 2005. Jun 2005
  8. Online Scheduling in Modular Multimedia Systems withStream Reuse
    Michael Bradshaw, Jim Kurose, Prashant Shenoy, and Don Towsley.
    In Proceedings of ACM NOSSDAV 2005, Skamania, WA, June 2005. Jun 2005
  9. Dynamic Provisioning for Multi-tier InternetApplications
    Bhuvan Urgaonkar, Prashant Shenoy, Abhishek Chandra, and PawanGoyal.
    In Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Conferenceon Autonomic Computing (ICAC-05), Seattle, June 2005. BestStudent Paper Award Jun 2005
  10. An Analytical Model for Multi-tier Internet Servicesand Its Applications
    Bhuvan Urgaonkar, Giovanni Pacifici, Prashant Shenoy, MikeSpreitzer, and Assar Tantawi.
    In Proceedings of the ACMSigmetrics Conference, Banff, Canada, June 2005. Jun 2005
  11. Cataclysm: Handling Extreme Overloads in InternetApplications
    Bhuvan Urgaonkar, and Prashant Shenoy.
    In Proceedings ofthe Fourteenth International World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2005),Chiba, Japan, May 2005. May 2005
  12. Scheduling Messages with Deadlines in Multi-hopReal-time Sensor Networks
    Huan Li, Prashant Shenoy, and Krithi Ramamritham.
    In Proceedings of the Eleventh IEEE Real-time and Embedded Technologyand Applications Symposium (RTAS), San Francisco, CA, March 2005. Mar 2005
  13. A Reconfigurable on-the-Fly Resource-aware StreamingPipleline Scheduler
    M. Bradshaw, J. Kurose, L. Page, P. Shenoy, and D. Towsley.
    In Proceedings of the 12th Multimedia Computing and NetworkingConference (MMCN), San Jose, CA, January 2005 Jan 2005


  1. Sharc: Managing CPU and Network Bandwidth in Shared Clusters
    Bhuvan Urgaonkar, and Prashant J. Shenoy
    IEEE Trans. Parallel Distributed Syst. 2004
  2. Multimedia Streaming via TCP: An Analytic PerformanceStudy
    Bing Wang, Jim Kurose, Prashant Shenoy, and Don Towsley.
    In Proceedings of ACM Sigmetrics, New York, NY, June 2004 (short paper).Full version in the Proceedings of ACM Multimedia Conference, NewYork, NY, October 2004. 2004
  3. Application Placement on a Cluster of Servers
    Bhuvan Urgaonkar, Arnold Rosenberg, and Prashant Shenoy.
    In Proceedings of the 17th Intl. Conference of Parallel and DistributedComputing Systems, San Francisco, CA, September 2004. Sep 2004
  4. Active QoS Flow Maintenance in Controlled MobileNetworks
    John Sweeney, Rod Grupen, and Prashant Shenoy.
    In Proceedings of the Fourth IEEE International Symposium on Roboticsand Automation (ISRA), Queretaro, Mexico, August 2004 Aug 2004
  5. Cataclysm: Handling Extreme Overloads in InternetServices
    Bhuvan Urgaonkar, and Prashant Shenoy.
    In Proceedings ofACM Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC), St Johns, NewFoundland, Canada, July 2004 (Brief announcement/short paper) Jul 2004
  6. A Time Series-based Approach for Power Management inMobile Processors and Disks
    Xiaotao Liu, Prashant Shenoy, and Weibo Gong.
    In Proceedings of the 14th ACM Workshop on Network and Operating SystemSupport for Audio and Video (NOSSDAV), Kinsale, Ireland, pages 74-81,June 2004. 2004
  7. AMPS: A Flexible, Scalable Proxy Testbed forImplementing Streaming Services
    Xiaolan Zhang, Michael K. Bradshaw, Yang Guo, Bing Wang, JimKurose, Prashant Shenoy, and Don Towsley.
    In Proceedings of the14th ACM Workshop on Network and Operating System Support for Audioand Video (NOSSDAV), Kinsale, Ireland, pages 116-121, June 2004. Jun 2004
  8. Scheduling Communication in Real-Time SensorApplications
    Huan Li, Prashant Shenoy, and Krithi Ramamritham.
    In Proceedings of the Tenth IEEE Real-Time/Embedded Technology andApplications Symposium (RTAS04), Toronto, Canada, May 2004. May 2004
  9. A Performance Comparison of NFS and iSCSI forIP-Networked Storage
    Peter Radkov, Li Yin, Pawan Goyal, and Prasenjit Sarkar Shenoy.
    In Proceedings of the Usenix Conference onFile and Storage Technologies (FAST 04), San Francisco, CA, March2004. 2004
  10. Resilient and Coherency Preserving Dissemination ofDynamic Data Using Cooperating Peers
    Shetal Shah, Krithi Ramamritham, and Prashant Shenoy.
    In IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), SpecialIssue on Peer-to-Peer Data Management, 16(7), pages 799–812, July2004 2004
  11. Exploiting Overlap for Provisioning of Access Pointsin Wireless Networks
    Purushottam Kulkarni, and Prashant Shenoy.
    In TechnicalReport 04-95, Department of Computer Science, University ofMassachusetts, October 2004 Oct 2004
  12. Exploring the Use of BitTorrent as the Basis for aLarge Trace Repository
    Anthony Bellissimo, Prashant Shenoy, and Brian Neil Levine.
    In Technical Report 04-41, Department of Computer Science, University ofMassachusetts, June 2004 Jun 2004


  1. Handling Client Mobility and Intermittent Connectivity in Mobile Web Accesses
    Purushottam Kulkarni, Prashant J. Shenoy, and Krithi Ramamritham
    In Mobile Data Management, 4th International Conference, MDM 2003, Melbourne, Australia, January 21-24, 2003, Proceedings 2003
  2. A Practical Learning-Based Approach for Dynamic Storage Bandwidth Allocation
    Vijay Sundaram, and Prashant J. Shenoy
    In Quality of Service - IWQoS 2003, 11th International Workshop, Berkeley, CA, USA, June 2-4, 2003, Proceedings 2003
  3. Scalable techniques for memory-efficient CDN simulations
    Purushottam Kulkarni, Prashant J. Shenoy, and Weibo Gong
    In Proceedings of the Twelfth International World Wide Web Conference, WWW 2003, Budapest, Hungary, May 20-24, 2003 2003
  4. Dynamic Resource Allocation for Shared Data Centers Using Online Measurements
    Abhishek Chandra, Weibo Gong, and Prashant J. Shenoy
    In Quality of Service - IWQoS 2003, 11th International Workshop, Berkeley, CA, USA, June 2-4, 2003, Proceedings 2003
  5. Quantifying the Benefits of Resource Multiplexing inOn-Demand Data Centers
    Abhishek Chandra, Pawan Goyal, and Prashant Shenoy.
    In Proceedings of the First ACM Workshop on Algorithms and Architecturesfor Self-Managing Systems (Self-Manage 2003), San Diego, CA, June2003. Also Technical Report TR03-03, Department of Computer Science,University of Massachusetts, January 2003 Jan 2003
  6. Consistency Maintenance in Peer-to-Peer File SharingNetworks
    Jiang Lan, Xiaotao Liu, Prashant Shenoy, and Krithi Ramamritham
    In Proceddings of IEEE Workshop on Internet Applications(WIAPP), San Jose, CA, pages 90-94, June 2003. Also Technical Report,Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts, January2003 Jun 2003
  7. Real-Time Support for Mobile Robotics
    Huan Li, John Sweeney, Krithi Ramamritham, and Roderic Grupen Shenoy.
    In Proceedings of the Ninth IEEEReal-Time/Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS03),Toronto, Canada, pages 10-18, May 2003. Also Technical ReportTR03-08, Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts,January 2003 May 2003
  8. Design Considerations for the Symphony IntegratedMultimedia File System
    Prashant Shenoy, Pawan Goyal, Sriram Rao, and Harick Vin.
    In ACM/Springer Multimedia Systems Journal, Vol 9, no 4, pages 337-352,October 2003. 2003
  9. Adaptive Leases: A Strong Consistency Mechanism forthe World Wide Web (extended version)
    Venkata Duvvuri, Prashant Shenoy, and Renu Tewari.
    In IEEETransactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), 5(5), pages1266-1276, September 2003. Sep 2003
  10. Scalable Consistency Maintenance in ContentDistribution Networks using Cooperative Leases
    Anoop Ninan, Purushottam Kulkarni, Prashant Shenoy, KrithiRamamritham, and Renu Tewari.
    In IEEE Transactions of Knowledgeand Data Engineering, Vol. 15, No. 4, pages 813-828, July/August2003. 2003
  11. Periodic Broadcast and Patching Services:Implementation, Measurement and Analysis in an Internet StreamingMedia Testbed
    M. Bradshaw, B. Wang, S. Sen, L. Gao, J. Kurose, P. Shenoy, and D. Towsley.
    In ACM/Springer Multimedia Systems Journal,Special Issue on Multimedia Distribution, 9(1), pages 78-93, July2003. 2003
  12. Deadline Fair Scheduling: Bridging the Theory andPractice of Proportionate-Fair Scheduling in Multiprocessor Servers(extended version)
    Abhishek Chandra, Micah Adler, and Prashant Shenoy.
    In Technical Report, Department of Computer Science, University ofMassachusetts, May 2003. (under review). May 2003
  13. Evaluation of Object Placement Techniques in aPolicy-Managed Storage System
    Vijay Sundaram, Pawan Goyal, Peter Radkov, and Prashant Shenoy.
    In Technical Report TR03-38, Department of Computer Science, Universityof Massachusetts, November 2003 (subsumes TR-02-52). Nov 2003
  14. Effectiveness of Dynamic Resource Allocation forHandling Internet Flash Crowds
    Abhishek Chandra, and Prashant Shenoy.
    In Technical ReportTR03-37, Department of Computer Science, University of MassachusettsAmherst, Novemeber 2003 2003
  15. Efficient Execution of Continuous Aggregate Queriesover Multi-Source Streaming Data
    Hrishikesh Gupta, Manish Bhide, Krithi Ramamritham, and PrashantShenoy.
    In Technical Report, Department of Computer Science,University of Massachusetts, July 2003 Jul 2003
  16. An Experimental Comparison of File- and Block-AccessProtocols for IP-Networked Storage
    Peter Radkov.
    In M.S. Thesis, Department of ComputerScience, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 2003 2003


  1. Maintaining Coherency of Dynamic Data in Cooperating Repositories
    Shetal Shah, Krithi Ramamritham, and Prashant J. Shenoy
    In Proceedings of 28th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, VLDB 2002, Hong Kong, August 20-23, 2002 2002
  2. Middleware versus Native OS Support: Architectural Considerations for Supporting Multimedia Applications
    Prashant J. Shenoy, Saif Hasan, Purushottam Kulkarni, and Krithi Ramamritham
    In Proceedings of the 8th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS 2002), 24-27 September 2002, San Jose, CA, USA 2002
  3. Efficiently Maintaining Stock Portfolios up-to-date on the Web
    Manish Bhide, Krithi Ramamritham, and Prashant J. Shenoy
    In 12th International Workshop on Research Issues in Data Engineering: Engineering E-Commerce/E-Business Systems, RIDE’02, San Jose, California, USA, February 24-25, 2002 2002
  4. Evaluation of Object Placement Techniques in aPolicy-Managed Storage System
    Pawan Goyal, Peter Radkov, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Technical Report TR02-52, Department of Computer Science, Universityof Massachusetts, October 2002 Oct 2002
  5. Resource Overbooking and Application Profiling inShared Hosting Platforms
    Bhuvan Urgaonkar, Prashant Shenoy, and Timothy Roscoe
    In Proceedings of the Fifth Symposium on Operating Systems Design andImplementation (OSDI), Boston, MA, pages 239-254, December 2002.Also, Technical Report TR02-21, Department of Computer Science,University of Massachusetts, May 2002. 2002
  6. PTC : Proxies that Transcode and Cache inHeterogeneous Web Client Environments
    Aameek Singh, Abhishek Trivedi, and Krithi Ramamritham Shenoy
    In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering, Singapore, pages11-20, December 2002 (Award Paper) Dec 2002
  7. Cooperative Leases: Scalable Consistency Maintenancein Content Distribution Networks
    Anoop Ninan, Purushottam Kulkarni, Prashant Shenoy, KrithiRamamritham, and Renu Tewari
    In Proceedings of the Eleventh World Wide Web Conference (WWW-10), Honolulu, Hawaii, pages 1-12, May2002. Chosen as the best paper in the performance category 2002
  8. An Observation-based Approach Towards Self-managingWeb Servers
    P. Pradhan, R. Tewari, S. Sahu, A. Chandra, and P. Shenoy
    In Proceedings of ACM/IEEE Intl Workshop on Quality of Service (IWQoS),Miami Beach, FL, pages 13-22, May 2002 Also, Technical ReportTR02-06, Department of Computer Science, Univeristy of Massachusetts,February 2002 May 2002
  9. A Demand Adaptive and Locality Aware (DALA) Streaming Media Cluster Architecture
    Zihui Ge, Ping Ji, and Prashant Shenoy
    In Proceedings of the 12th ACM International Workshop on Network and Operating SystemSupport for Digital Audio and Video (NOSSDAV’02), Miami Beach, FL,pages 139-146, May 2002. May 2002
  10. Application Level Hand-off Support for Mobile MediaTranscoding Sessions
    Sumit Roy, Bo Shen, Vijay Sundaram, and Raj Kumar
    In Proceedings of the 12th ACM International Workshop on Network andOperating System Support for Digital Audio and Video (NOSSDAV’02),Miami Beach, FL, pages 95-104, May 2002. May 2002
  11. Implications of Proxy Caching for Provisioning Serversand Networks
    Mohammad S. Raunak, Prashant Shenoy, Pawan Goyal, KrithiRamamritham, and Puru Kulkarni.
    In IEEE Journal on SelectedAreas in Communications (JSAC), Special Issue on Internet ProxyServices, vol 20, no 7, pages 1276-1289, September 2002. Sep 2002
  12. Architectural Considerations for Next Generation FileSystems
    Prashant Shenoy, Pawan Goyal, and Harrick M. Vin.
    In ACM/Springer Multimedia Systems Journal, vol 8, no 4, pages 270-283,July 2002 2002
  13. Adaptive Push-Pull of Dynamic Web Data
    Pavan Deolasee, Amol Katkar, Ankur Panchbudhe, KrithiRamamritham, and Prashant Shenoy.
    In IEEE Transactions onComputers, vol 51, no 6, pages 652-668, June 2002 Jun 2002
  14. Cache Consistency Techniques for Peer-to-peer FileSharing Networks
    Jiang Lan.
    In M.S. Thesis, Department of ComputerScience, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 2002 2002


  1. On the impact of concurrent downloads
    Yong Liu, Weibo Gong, and Prashant J. Shenoy
    In Proceedings of the 33nd conference on Winter simulation, WSC 2001, Arlington, VA, USA, December 9-12, 2001 2001
  2. Maintaining Mutual Consistency for Cached Web Objects
    Bhuvan Urgaonkar, Anoop George Ninan, Mohammad S. Raunak, Prashant J. Shenoy, and Krithi Ramamritham
    In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2001), Phoenix, Arizona, USA, April 16-19, 2001 2001
  3. Efficient Execution of Continuous Threshold Queriesover Dynamic Web Data
    Manish Bhide, Hrishikesh Gupta, Krithi Ramamritham, and PrashantShenoy.
    In Technical report TR01-53, Department of ComputerScience, University of Massachusetts, November 2001. Nov 2001
  4. Bandwidth Allocation in a Self-Managing MultimediaFile Server
    Vijay Sundaram, and Prashant Shenoy.
    In Proceedings ofthe Ninth ACM Conference on Multimedia, Ottawa, Canada, pages291-301, October 2001 Technical Report TR01-05, Department ofComputer Science, University of Massachusetts, March 2001. 2001
  5. New Resource Control Issues in Shared Clusters
    Timothy Roscoe, and Prashant Shenoy.
    In Proceedings ofthe Eight International Workshop on Interactive DistributedMultimedia Systems (IDMS’01), Lancaster, UK, pages 2-9, September2001 Technical Report TR01-09, Department of Computer Science,University of Massachusetts, February 2001. Feb 2001
  6. A Fault-tolerant Distributed Vision System for ObjectTracking in a Smart Room
    Deepak Karuppiah, Zhigang Zhu, Prashant Shenoy, and Ed Riseman.
    In Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Computer Vision Systems(ICVS’01), Vancouver, Canada, pages 201-219, July 2001. Also SpringerLecture Notes in Computer Science 2095, pages 201-219, 2001 Jul 2001
  7. Dissemination of Dynamic Data
    Pavan Deolasee, Amol Katkar, Ankur Panchbudhe, KrithiRamamritham, and Prashant Shenoy.
    In Proceedings of the ACMSIGMOD Conference, Santa Barbara, CA (demo paper), page 599 , May2001 . 2001
  8. Maintaining Cache Consistency in Content DistributionNetworks
    Anoop Ninan.
    In M.S. Thesis, Department of ComputerScience, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 2001 2001
  9. Performance Evaluation of Multimedia Middleware andMultimedia Operating Systems
    Saif Hasan.
    In M.S. Thesis, Department of ComputerScience, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 2001 2001


  1. Rules of Thumb in Data Engineering
    Jim Gray, and Prashant J. Shenoy
    In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Data Engineering, San Diego, California, USA, February 28 - March 3, 2000 2000
  2. Dissemination of Dynamic Data on the Internet
    Krithi Ramamritham, Pavan Deolasee, Amol Katkar, AnkurPanchbudhe, and Prashant Shenoy.
    In Proceedings of DNIS 2000:International Workshop on Databases in Networked Information Systems,University of Aizu, Japan, December 2000. Dec 2000
  3. Application Performance in the QLinux Multimedia Operating System
    Vijay Sundaram, Abhishek Chandra, Pawan Goyal, and PrashantShenoy.
    In Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Conference on Multimedia, Los Angeles, CA, pages 127-136, November 2000. TechnicalReport TR00-11, Department of Computer Science, University ofMassachusetts at Amherst, March 2000 2000
  4. Surplus Fair Scheduling: A Proportional-Share CPU Scheduling Algorithm for Symmetric Multiprocessors
    Abhishek Chandra, Micah Adler, Pawan Goyal, and Prashant Shenoy.
    In Proceedings of the Fourth Symposium on Operating System Design andImplementation (OSDI 2000), San Diego, CA, pages 45-58, October 2000.Technical Report TR00-22, Department of Computer Science, Universityof Massachusetts at Amherst, April 2000 2000
  5. The Case for Reexamining Integrated File SystemDesign
    Prashant Shenoy.
    In Proceedings of the TenthInternational Workshop on Network and Operating System Support forDigital Audio and Video (NOSSDAV’00), Chapel Hill, NC, pages 51-54,June 2000. 2000
  6. Failure Recovery Algorithms for Multimedia Servers
    Prashant J. Shenoy, and Harrick M. Vin.
    In ACM/SpringerMultimedia Systems Journal, 8(1) pages 1-19, January 2000. Also,Technical Report TR96-06, Department of Computer Sciences, Univ. ofTexas at Austin, April 1996 (Revised November 1996). 2000


  1. Storage Architectures for Digital Imagery
    Harrick M. Vin, and Prashant Shenoy.
    In Image Databases,Search and Retrieval of Digital Imagery, V. Castelli and L. D.Bergman (eds) Academic Press, December 1999. Dec 1999
  2. Architectural Considerations for Next Generation FileSystems
    Prashant Shenoy, Pawan Goyal, and Harrick M. Vin.
    In Proceedings of the Seventh ACM Conference on Multimedia, Orlando, FL,pages 457-467,November 1999. Also, Technical Report TR98-48,Department of Computer Science, Univ. of Massachusetts-Amherst,October 1998 1999
  3. Design Considerations for Integrated Proxy Servers     
    Sambit Sahu, Prashant Shenoy, and Don Towsley.
    In Proceedings of the Ninth IEEE International Workshop on Network andOperating System Support for Digital Audio and Video (NOSSDAV’99),Basking Ridge, NJ, pages 247-250, June 1999. Also, Technical ReportTR99-25, Department of Computer Science, Univ. ofMassachusetts-Amherst, March 1999. 1999
  4. Efficient Support for Interactive Operations inMulti-resolution Video Servers.
    Prashant J. Shenoy, and Harrick M. Vin.
    In ACM/SpringerMultimedia Systems Journal 7(3), pages 241-253, July 1999. Also,Technical Report TR96-35, Department of Computer Sciences, Univ. ofTexas at Austin (supercedes TR95-25) December 1996. 1999
  5. Efficient Striping Techniques for Variable Bit RateContinuous Media File Servers
    Prashant Shenoy, and Harrick M. Vin.
    In PerformanceEvaluation Journal, 38(3), pages 175-199, December 1999. Also,Technical Report TR98-53, Department of Computer Science, Universityof Massachusetts Amherst, (supercedes Univ. of Texas Computer ScienceTR96-27) December 1998 Dec 1999