Project 3--CMPSCI 377 (Fall 2008) NOTE: All sample files for this assignment are on the edlab machines and can be found by in the following directory: cd /courses/cs300/cs377/cs377.f2008/project2 1 Overview Goals of this assignment: understanding threads; understanding mutual exclusion; using concurrency to hide I/O latency; using the work-queue model. For this assignment, you will write a mini web spider. Search engines use web spiders (also called crawlers) to retrieve documents recursively from the Internet. 2 Spider 2.1 Input Your program, to be called spider, will take three command-line inputs: 1) The root URL to start from 2) The maximum depth to crawl 3) The number of worker threads to spawn 2.1.1 Input: Root URL The root website will be specified in the following form: OR OR See the section on the helper functions for using parse_single_URL() to parse this. 2.1.2 Input: Depth The maximum depth tells your crawler how far to recurse. A depth of zero means that the root URL should be retrieved, but no others. A depth of one indicates that the root URL should be retrieved, and all pages that it links to, but no others. 2.1.3 Input: Threads This is the number of worker threads to spawn for crawling web pages. You will have one additional thread that will do the parsing of pages to find new URLs. 2.2 Crawling Web Pages Your program will use a work queue style of concurrency, where multiple threads pull work off of a single queue. Each worker thread will pull a URL off the from of a queue, retrieve that web page into a buffer, then insert that buffer into another queue for parsing. A separate thread will pull the buffers off of the parsing work queue, parse them for new URLs, insert those URLs back onto the work queue and so on. The worker thread may not retrieve another web page until the previous page has been processed. This implies an ordering constraint! No page should be crawled more than once. Your program should track which pages have been visited. A host and file is unique, so if a file is on more than one host, you should crawl each of them. 3 Threading, Retrieving and Parsing Pages 3.1 Retrieving Web Pages You will be provided with a simple socket library that will make it easy to connect up to a given web server and read the contents of a particular file. The interface to that library is contained in simplesocket.h The following code provides the basics of retrieving a page: clientsocket sock (host.c_str(), 80, 0, false); if (sock.connect()){ sprintf (buf, "GET /%s HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n", file.c_str()); sock.write (buf, strlen(buf)); int ret; int size = 0; sock.setTimeout(5); while ((ret =, MAX_READ-1-size)) > 0){ size += ret; } sock.close(); This code will timeout after 5 seconds if it fails to retrieve any data. The return value contains the number of bytes have been read from the socket. Multiple reads may be required to retrieve the page up to the MAX_READ size. Your code should not read any more than MAX_READ size, so it will only get URLs that are in the first MAX_READ bytes of the page. The code is also set to fail connecting if it doesn't complete after 5 seconds. 3.2 Parsing Web Pages for URLs We have written a simple URL parser for you (see url.h), that can be called using: parse_URLs(buf, size, urls); where buf is the buffer you read from the web server, the size is the size of the buffer and urls is a set containing url_t structs (see url.h). This isn't the smartest parser ever, so don't expect it to get every URL, just the simpler ones. It should find plenty of URLs in most web pages to crawl. 3.3 Starting Threads You should get your program to work as a single threaded program first, then make it multi-threaded. This is the hard part. You will be using the popular pthreads threading package to complete your spider. The types and functions you should be concerned with are mutexes: pthread_mutex_t condition variables: pthread_cond_t pthread identifiers: pthread_t pthrad attributes: pthread_attr_t initialization for mutexes: pthread_mutex_init initialization for condition variables: pthread_cond_init thread join: pthread_join; thread create: pthread_create lock: pthread_mutex_lock unlock: pthread_mutex_unlock cv signal: pthread_cond_signal cv broadcast: pthread_cond_broadcast cv wait: pthread_cond_wait 3.3.1 Limiting Stack Sizes For all of your threads, please limit their stack sizes status = pthread_attr_setstacksize(&attr, 5*1024*1024); if (status) { cout << "pthread_attr_setstacksize returned " << status << endl; exit(1); } status = pthread_attr_init(&attr); if (status) { cout << "pthread_attr_init returned " << status << endl; exit(1); } 3.3.2 Starting Threads status = pthread_create(&thread_id[i], &attr, (void * (*)(void *)) worker_thread, (void *) i); Assuming that the worker_thread is declared as: void worker_thread (void *arg) Note that you can "cheat" and use arg to pass integers: For instance: int thread_id = (int) arg; 3.3.3 Joining Threads You may need to wait for a thread to complete using join: pthread_join(parse_thread_id, NULL); 4 Output You program should only create two pieces of output. Your output must be identical. The requester (worker thread) should output this: cout << "requester " << thread_id << " url " << host << "/" << file << endl; right before adding a buffer to the parser's work queue. The parsing thread should output: cout << "service requester " << thread << " url " << << "/" << url.file << endl; after parsing the page, and before adding the new urls to the work queue. Note that when using cout, you should be carefully about mutual exclusion, as you don't want two pieces of output corrupting one another. 5 Compiling, Testing and Hints 5.1 Compiling Use the following command to compile your spider g++ -Wall -g -o spider libspider.a -lpthread 5.2 Debugging Notice that your program should be much faster when running with a number of threads than when it runs with just one thread. Verify this by running it with /usr/bin/time. Make sure you link your program with –lpthread, or it won’t actually spawn any threads (thanks, GNU libc). You should not be holding any locks when connecting or retrieving a web page. We have set up a tree structure web page here: It has 3 levels, with a branching factor of 10. This might be helpful in debugging your spider. 5.3 Hints The stack size in for each thread is limited to STACK_SIZE in thread.h You will get odd segfaults if you go over this size, so be careful of creating a huge numbers, or sizes, of stack variables. The hardest part may be deciding when to quit! One way is to track how many pages are currently in the work queue, plus the number that have been removed from the work queue and are currently being retrieved. If the sum of those two things is zero, and the parser is not parsing anything, the program is done. 6 Handing Project In Your project will be handed in using the autograding system. The autograder is checking for correctness and performance. Please see the web page for details on how to submit your solution. Submit to the autograder as follows: submit 3 NOTE: you have to specify a 3, which corresponds to this spider assignment.